Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Birds

Food For Thought: Outward Things

A deep contemplation today from J. Krishnamurti…

Awareness of outward things

If you are aware of outward things—the curve of a road, the shape of a tree, the colour of another’s dress, the outline of the mountains against a blue sky, the delicacy of a flower, the pain on the face of a passerby, the ignorance, the envy, the jealousy of others, the beauty of the earth—then, seeing all these outward things without condemnation, without choice, you can ride on the tide of inner awareness. Then you will become aware of your own reactions, of your own pettiness, of your own jealousies. From the outward awareness, you come to the inward; but if you are not aware of the outer, you cannot possibly come to the inner… When there is inward awareness of every activity of your mind and your body; when you are aware of your thoughts, of your feelings, both secret and open, conscious and unconscious, then out of this awareness there comes a clarity that is not induced, not put together by the mind. ~~ J. Krishnamurti: The Collected Works vol XV p 243

What do you see when you look around you… And how do you feel when you see it… I believe that “ride on the tide of inner awareness” we must see everything with an open heart that radiates love.

(Photo: Young Mute Swans at the Artichoke River Reservior ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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On The Parker River Path

In the midst of my imposed immobility, I occasionally get sprung from the sanctuary that I call home, and I am whisked away for drive through the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge.

The winter days have been so unseasonably warm over the past few weeks and my soul craves the sun and fresh air, not to mention some good bird sightings as well.

On my most recent excursion to the Refuge, which truly is the most marvelous stronghold for my soul, we were lucky to find a lovely White Egret sunning near two Mute Swans. Suddenly the White Egret took to flight and it was spectacular to witness it’s ascent into the skies.

I wish my camera did better justice to the majesty of watching this lovely bird in flight… I’m was filled with gratitude with the blessing of just quietly witnessing it’s presence.

(Photo: White Egret in Flight ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Food For Thought

“A 21st Century worldview of unity and love is emerging, but we’re constantly being drawn back to 20th Century illusions of separation and fear. With every thought we think, we chose for all humanity whether to go forward or go back.” ~~ Marianne Williamson

(Photo: Harrier Hawk in Flight ~~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2011)

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Food For Thought

When left bereft, we must each rise up and find the majesty within our weary souls.

Tired, void of energy to carry on, we must re-mind ourselves that each set-back, leads in time to steps forward.

(Photo: White Egret in the Marsh ~~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

More Egret photos here.

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On The Parker River Path: In Flight

Taken earlier this month at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge… A Rough Legged Hawk in flight…

Sitting at my desk today, watching the rain pour down on the Merrimack River, I wish I could be like this lovely raptor, in flight.

(Photo: Rough Legged Hawk in Flight ~~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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On The River: Bird In A Tree

Trees in winter, stripped bare of their foliage often offer a view worthy of the interpretation of an artist’s eye:

While driving along the river the other day with my hiking partner, I noticed this Bird In A Tree.

As I continue to work through my photos and edit them, I plan to create an album of Mother Nature’s Art Work as exhibited in the bare trees.

(Photo: Bird In A Tree ~~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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