Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Birds

On The River

Having your right foot in a cast is truly a pain in the a**. I’m not sure what is most annoying about it all, but not being able to drive is a big one. It’s tough being stuck in house and dependent on family and friends for supplies, etc…

I also sorely miss my hiking at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, Maudsley State Park and along Point Shore in Amesbury. Before I started hiking a few weeks ago, a good drive along the river to Plum Island always served to clear my head.

Thankfully, my hiking partner came by to rescue me on Monday and we took a wonderful drive along the Merrimack River, from Amesbury, through Merrimack and Rock’s Village and then over the Rock’s Village Bridge and back along River Road in West Newbury (my early childhood stomping grounds).

We were looking for Bald Eagles which have been here in smaller numbers this season. The Bald Eagle proved to be elusive on Monday, but we treated to a sighting of 4 – 6 Eastern Bluebirds… Yes, that’s right, the Blue Bird Of Happiness.

Sadly, (more…)

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On The Parker River Path

A few weeks ago I joined the ranks of the unemployed and took to walking 3 – 5 days a week with a dear friend, to clear my head and get grounded. There’s nothing better for freeing your mind than a brisk walk in the cool winter air.

Most of my walks were spent exploring the many trails and pathways at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge. The Hellcat Swamps trails have become a favorite, from the observation tower on the Parker River side to the 50 foot dune on the ocean side.

My hikes abruptly stopped on January 8, after a fall in my driveway left me with abrasions, bruises and a badly sprained foot. The following day I ended up with a cast on my right foot which needless to say has kept me from the hikes and trails. The cast is scheduled to come off on January 23 and I am hoping to get the okay from the doctor to start hiking again.

The photo above is from the observation deck atop the 50 foot dune mentioned above. (more…)

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In The Secret Garden

A Downy Woodpecker…


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Daily Inspirations

“We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other.” ~~ Luciano de Crescenzo

(Photo: © Pamela J. Leavey 2011)

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Watching the Birds

I took an old chair and placed it my front garden to create a bird station. The chair is visible from my desk and gives me hours of pleasure watching the birds. My cats both love it too, as they sit in the windows watching the birds come an go. Yesterday, Pandora spent most of the day at one end or the other of my desk watching birds and chipmunks at the feeder:

To create the bird station I tied a small bird house on the back of the chair with jute, and then laid large strips of bark from an old stump on the seat area of the chair (the caning was gone) and tied a pagoda shaped birdhouse onto the seat. I also added some bare branches for perches for the birds. On the large rocks in my garden I placed large shallow oval aluminum container that I weighted down with small rocks from the garden and filled it with water – it makes a fabulous bird bath! 

I use songbird blend bird feed. The birds love it…

(Photo: c. Pamela J. Leavey 2011)

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Daily Affirmations: Around Every Corner

Around every corner, hidden among the rocks, stones, and leaves of a tree, there are hidden gifts that when discovered bring joy and gratitude. Today, I will strive to take time to look for the hidden beauty, not just in nature but in all things. ~~ Pamela J. Leavey

(Photo: Cardinal Hidden in the Maple Tree ~~ © Pamela J. Leavey 2011)

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