March 11, 2020
It’s hard to stay focused when things feel like they are spinning out of control around you. Lately, I find myself easily distracted by the news and I forget to take a moment to ground myself. It is in those moments when we become easily distracted that we most need to stop, take a moment, breathe and release our distraction into the wind and find our footing again.

Today, I re-mind myself that staying focused is tantamount to minimizing the stress in my life when the world feels as though it is spinning out of control. I take a deep breath and release. I repeat that breathing, that very cleansing and healing breathing until I find my center and I feel confident that I’ve got this. I am capable of staying focused no matter what is happening in the world around me. I set my intent today and every day to remaining focused. I know I have the tools inside of myself to find my center and I affirm my intent to stay centered. And so it is… Intent makes manifest. Namaste…