September 19, 2013
Today, I re-mind myself that I am guided to make right choices on this day and everyday; choices that lead to the higher good for myself and the planet. ~ Pamela J. Leavey

words and pictures....
September 19, 2013
Today, I re-mind myself that I am guided to make right choices on this day and everyday; choices that lead to the higher good for myself and the planet. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
September 17, 2013
My life is filled with joy. I am blessed with loving friends and family, and I am grateful this day and everyday, for that the Creator has given me. Truly I am fortunate for all the riches in my life. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
September 13, 2013
To Be Empowered… I accept my responsibility in all situations that arise in my life, good or bad or indifferent. I am honest, and not afraid to be so. I make the best of all situations, change what I can, accept what I can not. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
September 12, 2013
To Be Empowered – I recognize that I Am Abundant. That I have great love in my life, that I have great joy in my life, that I have everything I need in my life. To Be Empowered, I trust the Universe to provide. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
September 11, 2013
Today, I am grateful for the little things that bless my life each day. A smile on a stranger’s face, the birds that sing at the break of day and the sweet serenity of stillness in the evening. ~ Pamela J. Leavey
September 10, 2013
I will be honest with myself and others. For when I deceive others, I am deceiving myself. I will be true to myself and others. For when I am true to myself, I am true to others. I will strive to be the gentle voice of truth and reason in all circumstances. – Pamela J. Leavey