Today I remind myself that I am Healthy, Happy & Abundant. These three blessings are positive forces that are working in my life today and everyday. I am thankful for these blessings and all of the blessings in my life. My life is rich. – Pamela J. Leavey
Treat this day as though it is a flower bud, opening and unfurling its petals as the moments of the day pass on. Each moment, each petal unfurling, is an opportunity for growth and change. We can blossom in our lives as flower bud changes from a tight, young bud to wide open flower, rich and heady with pollen to germinate the seeds of life elsewhere.
We are the cycle of life, as is the flower bud. We gain nothing if we remain tight and closed, a bud unwilling to open. We must look towards each day and unfurl our lives with happiness, gratitude and inspiration to be the most glorious flower we can be. That is living in the moment.
The honesty of precision and the goodheartedness of gentleness are qualities of making friends with yourself… As you work with being really faithful to the technique and being as precise as you can and simultaneously as kind as you can, the ability to let go seems to happen to you. The discovery of your ability to let go spontaneously arises; you don’t force it. You shouldn’t be forcing accuracy or gentleness either, but while you could make a project out of accuracy, you could make a project out of gentleness, it’s hard to make a project out of letting go. – Pema Chodron
Today, I re-mind myself that my life is like a garden. If I want to blossom and thrive in the sun, I must carefully cultivate the aspects of my life that need tending. The garden left untended becomes unwieldy and overgrown with weeds. The life goals left untended so too, will be encompassed by weeds that overcome goals, and soon the goals will be unrecognizable. I tend carefully my goals, for they are the flowers of my life.
Namaste… Pamela
Photo: The Secret Garden in Newburyport ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
Today, I re-mind myself that passion is the fertilizer for the inspiration that fuels my life and my work. I look to nature, I look to life itself to find the connections that fuel my passion into something tangible. I affirm today and everyday that my passion is my strength and my gift, that colors my work and my world.
Happiness is not a gift but a choice. I affirm each day… In order to be happy, I must choose to be happy, everyday. It is not a gift, and I must work at achieving my happiness. I alone can make myself happy. It starts with a choice, and a re-programing of my thought process.
Namaste… Pamela
Photo: Double Orange Lilly ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
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Musing and Rambling
Sometimes I muse and I ramble because I can... I muse about life and things that matter to me...
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