Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Food For Thought

Food For Thought… Alone in the Pandemic

Please remember that for many people who live alone, this “stay at home” – “shelter in place” new normal in the midst of the coronavirus, is a lonely trail. Make sure those folks who you know are walking this path alone, know that they are loved. Peace… 💚

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Food For Thought: Sitting in Fear and Anger is Not Healthy For Anyone

We’re in the midst of some unprecedented times in the world. With Coronavirus spreading to every country and many countries scrambling to shut down businesses and keep people at home to stop the spread of the virus and flatten the curve, we’re all in a state of suspension that is nothing we could ever imagine happening prior to this.

I’ve been through a range of emotions in the last week or so, as I am sure many have. I’ve been sad, I found myself easily driven to tears, I’ve been angry and I’ve been afraid. I have no doubt I may cycle through these emotions again as we continue to hunker down around the United States and the world, waiting to for this all to pass and hoping, praying that we and our loved ones are not stricken with Coronavirus.

Last night while sitting in contemplation, I decided that in order stay strong through this all, I needed to not rise to the fear and anger, because sitting in fear and anger is not healthy for anyone ever. I know this isn’t easy to release our fear and anger, it is something we must work at, but the more we can let it go, the clearer our hearts and minds will be and the healthier we will be.

Life is always a series of tests. Life is always in flux. Life is always in motion, even when it feels like the world is standing still, which in so many regards it is. So today, I’m practicing the being in the moment as much as I can. It is my hope as I write this, and subsequently share it, that others will choose to not sit in fear and anger as well.

Be kind to one another and spread compassion and empathy to all. Namaste…

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Food for Thought: Life as a Process of Following a Path

I look at life as a process of following a path. The path isn’t always direct. Sometimes it is straight and you are moving along in life thinking, “yeah, this is good.” And then one day the path takes a turn. You’re good with that turn, great, keep moving. Maybe the turn doesn’t feel right. Maybe you need to sit and think about whether you want to go in the new direction or turn back. It’s still a forward motion in life if you follow the turn. Turning back might not be beneficial, because life is all about moving forward and evolving as our best selves.


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Food for Thought: Being Different is Awesome

Sometimes we worry about how other people view us. We might hear from people on occasion that we are “different” and that might make us feel uncomfortable or sad if we feel like we want to fit in.

But, I have to say, being different is awesome! We are all unique and absolutely perfect as who we are. We are all filled with love, and light. We are all creative and stand for things we believe in. We’re all awesome!

Know this in your heart and mind – we are all awesome! Embrace who you are. Be different. Be unique. Be your best badass self every day and dance to your own song!

Snowy Egret en Passe

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Food For Thought: Wonder

Sandy Point, Plum Island, Massachusetts

Without the state of wonder that blossoms when graced with the vision of nature we would surely be lost, for as I feast my eyes each day upon the river that fluxes with the tides afore my eyes, I am touched by the grace of the universe. The greatest gift to humankind is the world in which we live, the nature around us. The rivers and the seas, the mountains and the beaches, the sacred places, are where we must all go to unburden and renew. Wonder is what heals us. Wonder brings us joy. Wonder, that sense of pure awe that touches us in the midst of nature is the primal conduit of joy.

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Food For Thought: The Bend at Eagle’s Nest

Here at the bend in the river, at eagle’s nest, is where the sun glimmers on the water casting its shimmering light in such a manner that it illuminates my mind with both queries and answers simultaneously, for that beam of sun is so brilliant that I am blinded by its presence.

A million words race through my mind ricocheting off the water and tumbling down the river, running off to the sea. It is here in this curve of the river that I let go of a little pain and let in the glorious glow that I seek. I stop, I soak in the sun, and I turn back, warm and renewed, lighter, and brighter. I know the words I spilled down the river will return to me on the page. For it is here, I draft the questions that need answers. And, it is here, that the answers come to me. The light converging on the water, even in its palest or darkest glow, speaks to me, all knowing.

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