Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Food For Thought


Reflections on now…

I find myself now in a place forced to stay some what less mobile (an understatement), than this fiercely independent woman is accustomed to enduring. My bottom line has always been, I just don’t stay down well. I’ve always had to do for myself in life, and my daughter, as I raised her alone. So what to do now that I am in this forced state of limited mobility?

The universe sometimes gives us a shove when a gentle push doesn’t work anymore… I’ve now been gifted with the time to clean up some serious procrastinations that have been hanging up my life.

That’s the blessing… If there is one to be seen in this mess…

First, I am taking some time and heeding the message that sometimes when the going gets tough, the tough do need to slow down and take some time to heal.

(Photo: Reflection Through the Trees at Hellcat Swamp ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Food For Thought

Today’s Food For Thought is via Marianne Williamson on Facebook…

Fear is to Love what darkness is to light. It’s not a thing, but the absence of a thing. So when our minds are filled with love, we’re less vulnerable to fear. This translates on a practical basis into: In any situation where I’m upset, who could I be kinder to, who could I forgive, where can I be more open-hearted in my thinking and my responses?

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Food For Thought

More from J. Krishnamurti again today, because his wisdom and teachings speak the truth…

Relationship Is a Mirror

Surely, only in relationship the process of what I am unfolds, does it not? Relationship is a mirror in which I see myself as I am; but as most of us do not like what we are, we begin to discipline, either positively or negatively, what we perceive in the mirror of relationship. That is, I discover something in relationship, in the action of relationship, and I do not like it. So, I begin to modify what I do not like, what I perceive as being unpleasant. I want to change it; which means I already have a pattern of what I should be. The moment there is a pattern of what I should be, there is no comprehension of what I am. The moment I have a picture of what I want to be, or what I should be, or what I ought not to be, a standard according to which I want to change myself; then, surely, there is no comprehension of what I am at the moment of relationship. I think it is really important to understand this, for I think this is where most of us go astray. We do not want to know what we actually are at a given moment in relationship. If we are concerned merely with self-improvement, there is no comprehension of ourselves, of what is.

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Food For Thought

It’s time for some Food For Thought once again… from the great master J. Krishnamurti:

What are you?

So what are you? Apart from a name, a form, perhaps if you are lucky a  bank account, perhaps a skill, apart from all that what are you? Are we  not suffering? Or suffering doesn’t exist in your life. Is there fear?  Is there anxiety? Greed? Envy? Worshipping some image which thought has  created? Frightened of death? Clinging to some concept? A contradiction,  saying one thing and doing another. So we are all that. Our habits, our  inanities, the endless chatter that goes on in the mind, all that is  what we are. And the content of consciousness makes consciousness, and  that consciousness has been evolving through time, through tremendous  experiences, pains, sorrow, anxiety, all that. Now we are asking: can  one be free of all that? Free from all sense of fear. Because where  there is fear there is no love.

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A New Year’s Affirmation

It’s a New Year and time to get into gear…

“The miracle of transformation is manifest in my life. Procrastination, doubt and self-sabotage are all in the past.” ~~ Louise L. Hay

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Food For Thought

“Seek only to be genuine. Strive to be sincere. If you with to undo all the “damage” you imagine yourself to have done, demonstrate that in your actions. Do what you can do. Then let it rest.” ~~ Neale Donald Walsh

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