Gratitude is a daily practice that starts my day and ends my day. Today and every day, I look for the things in my life that I am grateful for and I give thanks. This simple act of giving thanks throughout my day, re-minds me that I am abundant.
Today, I re-mind myself: I am all that I am and perfect in that. I am tenancious and steadfast, vibrant and vivacious, and filled with joy and gratitude for all the blessings in my life.
Nature holds so many blessings. I re-mind myself this day, that the bird I glanced at sitting in the grasses is a gift that puts me in the moment, interrupting my monkey mind just long enough for an “ah” moment. Moments like these still the mind and make me pause, bringing about contentment and happiness. I vow today and everyday, to take one extra moment when I am graced with such a chanced event, and voice my gratitude.
In the golden reflection of the sun, we are infused with the light of love and abundance. Today, I re-mind myself that my life is rich and filled with so many blessings. I thank the Universe for those blessings. I give space to gratitude and light in my life.
Seasons mark the time with a change of weather and colors here in New England. They are a reminder that everything changes and nothing is permanent.
Fall on the Salt Pannes at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
Today, I re-mind myself to embrace change and let it flow into my life with acceptance because change brings new opportunities. Nothing is gained by blocking new opportunities. Change is the ebb and flow of life that brings us learning experiences and life lessons. I am grateful for the changes in my life that come like seasons, bringing color into my life. Today, I celebrate each change that comes my way and I thank the Universe for the new opportunities in my life.
It is easy to day dream about a different life. We all do it, thinking of thoughts of “I wish I had this or that,” or “I wish could be like so and so, ” and on and on with a variety of scenarios. But the truth remains, we each have the life we have; it is our life and it is our task to make our life unique and find purpose in it. That starts with acknowledging that in this moment, our lives are as they should be and if we want to change our lives, we each much rise up to do the work ourselves.
Today, I re-mind myself that only I can change my life and sometimes that requires rearranging my thinking. Positive thought breeds positive action. When I find gratitude for the things I have in life, I open the chanels for more good to flow into my life.
Namaste… Pamela
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