Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Happiness

Daily Affirmations: Happiness is Contagious

Today, I seek to touch the lives of all whom I meet, friend and stranger alike, with a smile and a positive
attitude because happiness is contagious. I re-mind myself that a smile and a positive attitude multiplies and grows where ever it goes. And so it is…

lesser yellow legs

Namaste – Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Happiness

Each and every day, I re-mind myself that happiness is a choice, not a condition. I can choose to be happy, or I can choose to be any emotion that falls into the realm of ‘not happy’. Truly, what choice is there to make, but that of happiness? For I know, that happiness is Universe’s choice for me. If I am to wallow, than me wallow in joy and the knowledge that Heaven is here, now. Happiness happens when I find joy in the simplest things. Happiness happens when I live fill my life with positive energy. Happiness happens when I live in the moment and release the worries of the future or the past. Happiness is here, now. Choose it. Intent makes manifest.

hellcat swamp dike

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Happiness

When life is weighty and full of troubles it is so important to remember that happiness is a choice that I can make freely. Choosing happiness does not mean my problems dissolve or magically disappear, it means I am determined to not let my problems get the best of me. I affirm that in order to be happy, I must choose to be happy, today and everyday. Yes, there will always be days when it is easier than others, but I acknowledge that happiness is not a gift, and I must work at achieving my happiness. No one else can make me happy; I alone can make myself happy. Intent makes manifest.

merrimack river at goodwins creek marina

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: My Life Is Rich

Today, I re-mind myself that I am thankful for all of the love, the joy and the abundance in my life. Indeed, my life is rich with so many different aspects of abundance and I am filled with gratitude that bubbles forth from the well-spring of my heart. Today, I strive to spend each moment of this glorious day in the now, for it is in the now that I am gifted with moments of clarity that fill my soul with gratitude for all that I have in my life. And so it is…

golden hour on the Merrimack river c. Pamela J. Leavey

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: To Be Empowered

To be empowered, I affirm with gratitude in my heart for all that there is in my life. My life is rich with the love of my dearest family members and friends. My life is rich with the opportunities and abundance that I make for myself and that present themselves to me via the Universe. I celebrate with joy these things, and understand the flow of the cycles of all that there is, for it is like the river constantly changing. Today is a good day. I claim it as such. And so it is…

sunset at point shore

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Expectations

One of the greatest paths to disappointment and suffering is our own expectations when they go awry. Expectations surface in relationships on a regular basis and when they are not met, there is cause for sadness. Today, I re-mind myself that expectations can get in the way of moment to moment happiness and joy, and I vow to practice the fine art of being in the moment rather than setting my heart and mind on future expectations that involve someone else, that may not come to fruition. This does not mean a person should not make plans with others, it means releasing the expectation and allowing what happens in the future to exist in the moment like the sun rising or setting each day.


Namaste… Pamela

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