Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Inspiration

Musings: Dusk Sky and Geese

From my Nature Writing Journal…

sunset on the river

As I gazed out from my desk at the vista before me, I could see that just across the road to the waters of Merrimack river where I live. The sky was striped with soft pink and slate blue stripes. A flock of Canada Geese was flying just above the tree line. They were heading west with the sun announcing their presence with their loud call that sounded somewhat like an old car horn… “honk, honk, honk.”

Even as the sun was setting and geese were flying overhead, their call trumpeted through the still. Soon it would be dusk. The colors of the sky transmuted to darker hues that transfixed me. I sat on my porch bench and watched the sky dark until the blue hour had settled in. Another flock of geese could be heard off in the distance, or perhaps it was the same flock, flying back my way.

What message were they conveying to each other, I wondered. What message were they conveying to me? Stop, sit, and listen. Be in the still. Soak in the moments when there is nothing but sheer silence surrounding your presence. In that silence is where you find the answers to your deepest questions. In that silence is where you find peace. In that silence, is where inspiration soars like the geese winding their way along the river.

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Daily Affirmations: I Choose to be Happy

Today, I re-mind myself that I am the true source of my happiness. I choose to be happy and make joy my way of life. I wake each day with the promise of a sunshine even if the skies are gray. I have the power to make myself see beauty in the differences in the world and let those differences fill me with joy. I understand that I have the power of intent working for me this day and each day forward. I am the true source of my happiness. Intent makes manifest. And so it is…

snow goose

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Never Allow Yourself the Luxury of a Negative Thought

There is a place in each of us that comes to surface every now and then. That place is filled with doubt and sometimes fear. It holds our deepest self doubt captive in the back of minds and looms up in our psyche as we strive to move forward. Each time the door to this fear ridden part of our self opens, we must close it quickly and not allow it to seep into our thoughts.

Today, I will practice the “Never Allow Yourself the Luxury of a Negative Thought” principle. Why would I choose to wallow in the Negatives of Doubt and Fear, when I can wallow in the luxury of Happiness and Joy. Today, each time a Negative thought enters into my mind. I will replace it with a positive, self-affirming, loving thought. And so it is… I move through my day with intent, grace and gratitude, today and every day.

barred owl

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Love

It is a hard to be single sometimes in a world filled with couples. One finds themselves as odd man or woman out, in my case, at a party where everyone is married. But it is okay to be single. In fact, I have found that to lack a partner in life, is not to lack love. Indeed, I am blessed with the knowledge each day, that my life is filled with love, for love takes many forms and comes from many different sources for many different reasons. Yes, I have great love in my life. And so it is that today and everyday, I bless the love and the loved ones in my life. Love is always blossoming around me…

peony buds

Namaste… Pamela

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Musings: The Golden Hour

From my nature writing journal, Fall 2015

I was sitting on the front porch reading and watching the half dozen crows that were making a raucous in the trees across the road. The crows cawed loudly. The squirrels scurried about. A blue jay screeched its name, “Jay, Jay,” in the distance. Fall was quietly descending a little every day. I could see a tinge of golden brown in the grasses on the other shore across the river. Gazing with a squint to better my focus my eyes, I realized there was a great blue heron slowly moving in the river grass along the shore, looking for its evening meal.

All of a sudden there was a riotous and rowdy clambering in the trees coming from the crows and then a crash followed by a great fluttering of black wings. It was late afternoon. “Surely, those crows were up to no good,” I thought to myself. (more…)

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Good Morning From The River


Yesterday morning as I sat at my desk, drinking my coffee and looking out on the Merrimack River, I welcomed the day with this post on my Facebook wall: (more…)

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