Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Inspiration

Daily Affirmations: Lessons

Today I re-mind myself that all relationships are assignments and love is eternal. I affirm that the greatest lessons I have learned have sometimes come with challenges and pain. I acknowledge that the strength of an open mind and open heart makes all lessons easier to endure. I am the sum total of the lessons I have learned in life and the lessons I have shared. I welcome the grace of learning into my life and I am forever grateful for the lessons.

red-tailed hawk

Namaste… Pamela

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Musings: At the Water’s Edge

low tide sandy pointMusings on a late summer’s day from my journal…

The tidal waters converged around the sandbar creating a rippling wave that crisscrossed and danced diagonally on the shore. The blue ocean water sparkled in the large tidal basin evoking the vision of a large sapphire sitting in the sun.

As I waded in the warm tidal pool I looked down to see a school of minnows swirling about my feet and my ankles. I imagined that they tickled my flesh as they swam by so swiftly in the sun-warmed water.

What a blessing to have this perfect last beach day soaking up the sun and lolling in the water that was near warm enough to be in the tub. Life was teeming at the water’s edge, from the minnows and hermit crabs to the sanderlings and piping plovers and of course, the large shore birds, the gulls of the Atlantic shore. Soon the cooler fall air would shift into play and the warmer weather birds would migrate.

The vast swarms of swallows had left the refuge just a few days ago. The purple martins were also gone. The songbirds had long moved on. Summer was winding down. The green marshes had been showing a hint of fall color for a few weeks, but suddenly there was a riot of color exploding in bursts across the landscape.

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Daily Affirmations: Positive Change

Today I recognize the potential with in myself and all persons to manifest profound positive change within myself and the world. I honor the power within that is summoned through the vibration of energy around me and I embrace those vibrations and send them back into the world to create change. Even the smallest changes makes a difference, for each incarnation of positive change creates ripples of positive energy, like the rippling of the river, and those ripples of change flow through me and out into the world as a catalyst for more change. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

river reflection

Namaste… Pamela

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Quote of the Day: Believe in Peace

Believe in Peace

Practice Compassion. Offer Hope. Believe in Peace. ~ Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: Light My Path

When times in my life are confusing and I do not know which way to turn, I ask the Universe… Light my path, guide my way, help me to see the right direction to follow and guide me to solve the conflicts in my heart and mind.

maudslay trail pink azalea

Namaste… Pamela

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Quote of Day: If The Sun Isn’t Shining


“If the sun isn’t shining in your ‘hood today, make certain it is shining in your heart!” – Pamela Leavey

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