November 13, 2015
Today, I am re-minded that Life is a series of roads. Just when you feel that you have traveled a road far enough, a new and more interesting road appears on the horizon. In this ever changing series of roads that we travel upon in life there are no road maps, it is up to each of us to make choices as to which direction we will head in. The road to least participation takes us no where. If we don’t show up in our own lives living fully and responsibly, we stay stuck destined to take the same road over and over again until we learn it simply is okay to ask for directions when we are unsure of way ahead. The easy way out is far to often the most complicated of all directions in which to head. Pay attention to the signs, and listen to the clues. You know the way is in your heart. To be empowered… Listen.
Namaste… Pamela
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November 12, 2015
With each day comes new opportunities to stretch and grow, and makes changes in our lives. Today, I re-mind myself that an open mind and an open heart are necessary tools of personal change. As I move through this and everyday, I affirm to myself that I do so with both and open mind and an open heart. I re-mind myself that every person I meet is a teacher from whom I can learn new things. I affirm to myself that I am always willing to learn and I am not afraid to say I was wrong about something. Personal growth requires that stretch outside of my boundaries and safety zones. And so it is… I am willing to reach a little higher today to meet new opportunities as they are presented in my life.
Namaste… Pamela
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November 11, 2015
Sometimes we are bursting with ideas that we are anxious to bring to fruition and the responsibilities of our lives get in the way of moving full force into our new plans and projects. Today, I affirm to practice patience as I move through my day, for I know that there is time for everything to come to fruition. I recognize that The goals of I set now, the desires I intend to bring to fore, will all come in time. Patience is required to see these things through to completion. And so it is… Intent Makes Manifest. Let the magic do its work.
Namaste… Pamela
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November 9, 2015
Like the leaves on the maple trees change colors in the cooler fall air, change starts from within…
Today, I re-mind myself that change starts from within and I am the master of the changes that I wish to make in my life. Today, I affirm that I will examine my goals and focus on the positive changes that I can make moving forward, today and every day hence, in all areas of my life. My happiness and well-being are tantamount and directly connected to the choices I make in my life. I set my intent towards positive action because I recognize that Intent Makes Manifest.
Namaste… Pamela