Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Inspiration

Daily Affirmations: Stormy Skies

The clouds roll in to the skies like problems roll into our lives. These problems are our life’s storms and they are temporary, even when they seem to last forever or go on longer than we can stand. In those times of cloudy skies and storms and I seek to re-mind myself that everything is temporary, nothing stays the same. When I apply the principles of being in the moment, I find the storms of life easier to withstand. Change is inevitable.


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Gratitude

As the new day begins, I re-mind myself that I have so much to be grateful for just outside my front door. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the day is filled with promise. Even if the skies were gray and rain was on the horizon, there is gratitude to be found in the rain nurturing the Earth. I believe that finding gratitude for the nature around me, gives me a foundation to find gratitude for other aspects of my life. So I start each day with gratitude for my outer world and bring that gratitude into my personal life, affirming that my life is rich. Gratitude matters…

bee in goldenrod

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Catching Up

Today, I am re-minded that catching up sometimes means slowing down a little so that you ensure that what you need to get caught-up on gets done correctly. Even if you fall behind you still need to take the time to do the things you need to do in proper fashion. I affirm to myself today, it is okay to be precise. It is okay to get it done right. It is okay to fall behind and I will not guilt myself for it. Today, I will take each task that I am behind on, and work on it in the moment until I complete them one by one. And so it is…

late september salt pannes

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Everything Happens for a Reason

Today, I re-mind myself that there are no coincidences in life. Everything happens for a reason. From the relationships that test us, to the lucky happenstances in our lives, the Universe has a plan for each of us, and I affirm that in going with the flow, it will all work out. This is not to say I can sit back and wait for things to happen. I affirm that being pro-active in my life is an important part of the process, because intent makes manifest. And so it is…

reflection with egret

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: To Be Empowered

To be empowered, I affirm with gratitude in my heart for all that there is in my life. My life is rich with the love of my dearest family members and friends. My life is rich with the opportunities and abundance that I make for myself and that present themselves to me via the Universe. I celebrate with joy these things, and understand the flow of the cycles of all that there is, for it is like the river constantly changing. Today is a good day. I claim it as such. And so it is…

sunset at point shore

Namaste… Pamela

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Be Just Woman

Decades ago when I started my personal foray into women’s studies, the field was still quite new. A feminist at heart, I was raised by a mother who also felt the tug of women’s rights strongly, as she came of age in the time of the early women’s rights movement in America. It is fear that causes men to still thwart women’s rights. It is fear that keeps some women from speaking up and claiming their own. Yet, we women are strong, powerful, “brilliant beings,” and many still long for the rights of simply be themselves.

The Temple of Five by Lisa Marquis BradburyBe Just Woman

In the brilliance
Of my madness,
Only then can I see
The sadness,
That walks,
And talks
In a million
Brilliant beings.
I see it on the corner,
In every face
Of every woman,
In the shops,
On the bus,
Every one,
They are all us.
We have long to speak
Our voice,
To tell our feelings,
Be just women.
We have long to walk
Our walk,
To talk
Our talk,
Be just women.
We are mothers
To our children,
Fierce and docile
Both by nature.
We are friends
To our sisters,
And lovers,
To our men.
We are feminists,
Who want to be
Honored and revered,
But instead
In our passing,
We are often not loved,
Only feared.
© Pamela Leavey
Temple of the Five by Lisa Marquis Bradbury ©

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