September 1, 2015
My heart is like
An endless sea,
For as many times as
It has been broken,
The power to love,
Comes back to me.
~ Pamela Leavey
words and pictures....
September 1, 2015
My heart is like
An endless sea,
For as many times as
It has been broken,
The power to love,
Comes back to me.
~ Pamela Leavey
Today, I re-mind myself that the re-living past transgressions serves no purpose in my life. I strive today and everyday to be in the moment; I live in the now. In truth, there is this moment in time and only this moment in time, as we pass through this life. I look to find presence, grace, peace and joy in each moment as they come. Namaste… Pamela
August 31, 2015
“Hold tight to your dreams, Be steadfast in your desires, You hold in your heart, The power to move mountains.” ~ Pamela Leavey
Today, I re-mind myself that to believe in myself is the first step towards achieving my dreams. I affirm this belief in my-self everyday and I re-mind myself that I can do anything I set my mind to for I am driven and tenacious. I know I cannot sit back and wait for my dreams to come true, I must set my intent and go out and make my dreams happen. ~ Namaste… Pamela
August 29, 2015
I will not die
Nor wither on the vine,
With out you
In my life;
For I am like a rose
That shall bloom
Forever in the light.
I will not mourn
Forever the passing,
Of your touch
Upon my soul;
For I am like a star
That shall shine
Forever in the night.
I will not wake at
At daybreak,
And wish to hear
Your gentle voice;
For I am like the sun
That shall glow
Forever with all my might.
When life’s trials and tribulations weigh you down, you need to let a little life into your life, embrace the beauty of the day, be grateful for the grace that happens, allow yourself to float effortlessly in the arms of Mother Nature for she always inspires and lifts us up. ~ Pamela Leavey