Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Inspiration

Daily Affirmations: Troubled Times

In troubled times, when questions over power reason, I re-mind myself that I must strengthen my resolve and give myself to faith. For I know and understand, that faith and love together create miracles. Today, I take the time to be gentle with myself and allow myself the time to grow my strength and my resolve with patience and compassion. I honor all that has been lost and I open space for all that will be gained in its place. For life is cyclical and I know that I can only rest in troubled times for a short time before I must take action and move forward. ~ Namaste… Pamela

salt pannes

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Daily Affirmations: To Be Empowered


The world can be a troubling place and often we find ourselves adrift, without a mooring or anchor to hold us steady. To be empowered, today, I re-mind myself that the Universe is always here to support me in a myriad of ways. Faith and hope are intertwined and they are there for me to call forth and summon the strength and sometimes, the courage I need to persevere. Even when the waters of life around me seem dark, I know there is a buoy there to hold me up.  Namaste… Pamela

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Quote of the Day: Pema Chodron

“Being fully present isn’t something that happens once and then you have achieved it; it’s being awake to the ebb and flow and movement and creation of life, being alive to the process of life itself. That also has its softness. If there were a goal that you were supposed to achieve, such as “no thoughts,” that wouldn’t be very soft. You’d have to struggle a lot to get rid of all those thoughts, and you probably couldn’t do it anyway. The fact that there is no goal also adds to the softness.” ~ Pema Chodron

mute swan

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Daily Affirmations: My Life Is Rich

Today, I re-mind myself, My Life Is Rich. I lead a life that is full and rich, and I am blessed with many opportunities to blossom and grow daily. I am grateful for the change and challenges that come my way for they are opportunities to learn. My life is filled with many blessings, large and small.  I greet each day with gratitude. Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: To Be Empowered

got it

To be empowered, I re-mind myself that I am the person responsible for my life and all the extraneous things that happened in my life in the past that caused me pain, are past. I can change the way I look at the past by offering forgiveness to those I perceive have done me wrong. I can ask for healing to change my view of the past. And if, sometimes, as life would happen, things come up in the present to remind me of the past and dredge up my sad and hurtful feelings of the past, I can take some time to examine why these issues still cause me pain and work towards understanding and releasing that pain. In that I will find that “got it” moment when things are clear and I can let go. Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: All That Glitters

coppery dories

Today, I re-mind myself of the old saying “all that glitters is not gold.” Those glittery, shiny objects that people offer often come with strings attached and I must remember that certain people will always attach strings to their offerings because they know not how to relate to others without the offer of money or glittery gifts in the place of real love. I will not be tempted by the bartering of things to replace love and I will step back from the would-be giver and walk away, wishing the giver peace in their heart and love and compassion to replace their fear. ~ Namaste… Pamela

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