March 9, 2020
In stressful and troubling times it is so easy for all of us to slip into a state of fear and even anger. These are the times when we must use our intent to move past fear and anger and move back into grace and love. Fear is the antithesis to love. As is anger. We can not live in love and grace if we let fear and anger overcome our rationality and reality.

Today, I re-mind myself that I am strong than the fear and anger that surfaces in my life. I am capable of seeing that fear and anger serve no purpose in my life and it acts as a contagion, when we push our fears and angers towards others. Today, I set my intent to stop when I feel fear or anger arise and I ask myself why I am allowing this to be in my life. I breathe deeply, I exhale, I repeat and in my inhalation – exhalation, I let go of the toxic fear and anger and replace it with grace and love. And so it is, intent makes manifest. Namaste…