March 10, 2015
There are times in our lives when we just know things will turn out the way we planned, and there are other times when we are not so certain about things or ourselves. Self-doubt is this niggling, nagging line of thinking that tugs at us like a fish on a line, struggling to get free from the hook. But self-doubt is ego driven and it is the hook that keeps us from moving forward at times when we need to release our self-doubt and flourish in the opportunities present in our lives.
Today, I remind myself that I am stronger than my self-doubt. I take a deep breath, I close my eyes and visualize my strength as a powerful river flowing from one source to another. I acknowledge that I have within all the strength I need to succeed. I affirm that I can free myself from the hook of my ego and let go of the negative self-doubt that holds me captive, like a fish on a line. I am stronger than the hook. My life flows like the river.
Namaste… Pamela
Photo: Sunset on the Merrimack River at Point Shore, Amesbury, MA ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey