It’s rainy and gray on the river today and apparently there will be more of that for the next couple of days… There will be no cleaning up the front flower garden until the rain stops.
I’m excited to share that I received a request from a friend today to use one of my photos of a small boat on the river for the newsletter of Newburyport’s American Yatch Club. I’ll have a PDF copy of the newsletter in a few days and will upload that so that readers can see the photo.
In the meantime I’m waiting patiently as many are for Spring to arrive full force. The last of snow piled up from the snow plow has finally melted down in the back yard and I’m anxious to till the vegetable garden plot and enlarge it from last year’s late planting when I moved into my river view apartment.
For now I’ll just watch the birds here in the back yard and on the river and dream of sunny days to come.

(Photo: Canadian Geese at Plum Island River, Newbury Salt Marsh, March 2011 — c. Pamela J. Leavey)
A little local info… The Plum Island River connects the Parker River to the Merrimack River at the mouth of the Merrimack and it separates Plum Island from the mainland. Plum Island is the home of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, which is a prime birding location.
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Coyotes on Plum Island
March 27, 2011
I was driving down to Plum Island this afternoon and had just made the corner at the airport when I spotted an animal walking out past the runway. Having lived in Los Angeles for 19 years, I recognized that it was a coyote. Although I have heard that there are coyote in this area, I had not seen one before this. Coyotes tend to be nocturnal creatures, so I was surprised to see one in the middle of the afternoon, slinking along the salt marsh heading for Plum Island.
I has however heard just yesterday that there was an article in the Newburyport Daily News about a cat missing on Plum Island and the suspicion that it had been caught by a coyote.
Well they are definitely out there on Plum Island.
A commentor on the Newburyport Daily News shared an awesome closeup photo and sighting here.
UPDATE (3/29/11): There was a good follow up piece in the Newburyport Daily News… Life With Suburban Coyotes.
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