As the ocean’s tides draw out each it is a splendid reminder of the ebb and flow of our lives. Waiting for the tide to draw back or to come in reminds us daily of both the need to accept the ebb and flow of life, and the importance of practicing patience in our lives.
Today, I re-mind myself that there is a time for everything to come to fruition, and that time is not set by our clock, but the clock of the universe. The goals that I set, the desires that I resolve to bring to life, will all come in time. Patience is required to see these and all things through. Change is constant, I know I must ebb and flow with it.
Namaste… Pamela
Photo: Low Tide at Sandy Point, Plum Island, MA ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
Abundance is like the ocean, it ebbs and it flows. Today, I re-mind myself, that each ebb that slows the flow, is an opportunity to renew my commitment to that flow of abundance in my life or find new ways to create flow. In this, I affirm, I am abundant.
Namaste… Pamela
Photo: Sandy Point, Plum Island, Massachusetts ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
Snowy Owls are back for the winter at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge on Plum Island in the coastal Newburyport, Massachusetts area. I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing my first Snowy Owl the year yet this season, but starting next week when I am finished with my Fall 2014 classes at UMass Amherst’s UWW, I’ll be heading to the Refuge in search of these majestic beauties. Nothing spells rest and relaxation for me more than time outdoors in every season, enjoying the diverse wildlife at my beloved Refuge.
The photo above was taken at the Newbury Salt Marsh, just outside of the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, in December 2013. (more…)
Sometimes we sail through life, not thinking about how fragile it can be. Today, I remind myself that each moment is precious, and it is up to me to make the most of it. I do this, make the most of each moment, by choosing happiness to be my guide throughout today and everyday.
Uncertainty had plagued me for a while on a few different levels and yesterday was the day to cast that aside. I had made a rash decision based on financial concern, and the decision made the situation worse on a few levels. It was time to put the stress the situation caused behind me.
I drove to the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge knowing that off in the distance there was a storm moving in. I wasn’t sure when I entered the Refuge if I would drive to Sandy Point, at the southern tip of the Refuge, or turn back and head home when I reached Hellcat Swamp, where the road turns to dirt. I drove on…
Sandy Point, Plum Island, Massachusetts ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
As the clouds moved closer and the sky darkened, cars were leaving the beach and the Refuge in attempt to beat the storm. I knew instinctively, watching the skies as I drove, that the storm would for the most part, pass north of Sandy Point.
I walked the beach keeping my eyes on the dark clouds, as they moved west to east. I felt a certain sense of safety there, heedless of the swiftly moving storm. I had come there for a reason, to let the storms that had been brewing my heart and mind pass through me with the storm moving across the sky.
Sitting on the beach I felt relieved of the negative energy that had prevailed over my usual positive mindset for a while. The dark skies were moving quickly and far off in the distance to the west, I could see the clear skies following. Sit out the storm, I told myself. It will pass.
I could hear the thunder booming and crashing, and see the occasional flash off lightening light up the dark skies to the north of where I sat on the beach. I felt alive and giddy with energy generated by the storm.
Life brings storms to our door. Some we create on our own, some are nature’s doing. No matter where those storms originate that always pass. In those times of storms in our life, sometimes we must face them head on in order to release them.
As I sat on the beach, I knew I was there to face the brewing storm head on. The release I experienced as I watched the storm roll in was tantamount to giving all things troubling in my heart and soul over to the universe. Trust and let go.
As the wind picked up and the rain began to fall softly at first, I felt cleansed and renewed in the tears of the Great Mother Goddess. My grief moved through me and shifted to happiness and joy.
Sometimes you just need to sit and let the storms in life pass by…
Newburyport native Roger Ebacher is a multi-instrumentalist, performer, and composer whose music has been played “on the airwaves all over North America, Europe, and as far east as India, Thailand, and Russia.” Check out this video of Roger and Re:Groove performing at Newburyport’s Firehouse Theater in 2011:
Roger’s latest recording BLUEISH GREY is the “first recording in several years to be released under his own name.” Reviews of Blueish Grey can be found here and it is available on ITunes.
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Musing and Rambling
Sometimes I muse and I ramble because I can... I muse about life and things that matter to me...
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