Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Massachusetts

Daily Affirmations: Life is a River

Life is a river which flows through me, washes me clean of judgment, cleansing me with the waters of compassion.” The metaphor of life being a river that flows through me has always been a metaphor that I can identify with. I grew up on the Merrimack River in Massachusetts, and despite living nearly 20 years in Los Angeles, there has always been a river flowing near to where I have lived. A river is a powerful force in my heart and mind. Especially a river close to the shore, as the Merrimack River is, here where I live in coastal Massachusetts. Not only is there a natural downstream current here, but there is also a daily tidal flow, in which the river flows upstream as the tide comes in twice daily.
merrimack river sunset at point shore
I have often had the opportunity to live the by the grace of the river’s flow, experiencing the renewal of the seasons and the release of judgement with the tides. In a moment, when we least expect it, we sometimes find that the river leads that which is precious back to us, as in the course of human foibles life continues to flow as does the river.

“I honor my own integrity and the integrity of others. I am guided by love. I allow myself to feel the love that is guiding others. Like the earth, I enjoy seasons of renewal. I forgive shortcomings and failures, arrogance and shortsightedness. I allow such human foibles to be dissolved in the graceful flow of life ongoing. Life is a river which flows through me, washes me clean of judgment, cleansing me with the waters of compassion. I allow life to be both tender and clear. I choose the longer view of wisdom over the more short-lived satisfaction of being “right”.” – Julia Cameron: Heart Steps

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Sunset on the Merrimack River at Point Shore in Amesbury, MA ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: Letting Go

storm sandy pointIt is very difficult sometimes to let go. We hold on to many issues and past transgressions in our lives, that serve only to keep storms brewing in our minds. And then, in our moments of weakness, those things of the past creep into the framework of our mind and the storm clouds blow in.

Today, I re-mind myself that the process of letting going is an ongoing practice, and forgiveness is a major part of that process. Each time I begin to think of the past and lay blame, I recognize that in order to let go, I must forgive all, including myself, for the past that did not go as I had hoped it would. The past is past. We can not change that. We can in the present work daily on letting go and forgiveness. If we don’t, we keep storms brewing in our hearts and minds.

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Storm at Sandy Point, Plum Island, MA ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: The Ebb and Flow of our Lives

sandy point facing southAs the ocean’s tides draw out each it is a splendid reminder of the ebb and flow of our lives. Waiting for the tide to draw back or to come in reminds us daily of both the need to accept the ebb and flow of life, and the importance of practicing patience in our lives.

Today, I re-mind myself that there is a time for everything to come to fruition, and that time is not set by our clock, but the clock of the universe. The goals that I set, the desires that I resolve to bring to life, will all come in time. Patience is required to see these and all things through. Change is constant, I know I must ebb and flow with it.

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Low Tide at Sandy Point, Plum Island, MA ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: We Are All Connected

3 dories
Today, I re-mind myself that we are all connected. That connection may be strong or tenuous at best, but the connection exists. How we relate to others, how we utilize our connection to each other, is our choice. However, when we choose to connect, to share experience and circumstance, to help each other within our connections, we make our live and the life of others betters. In this we increase our abundance and the abundance of others.

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Dories at Lowell’s Boat Shop in Amesbury, MA ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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My Latest Web Design Project

My latest web design project is a WordPress business website for Byfield Builders, a small, locally owned, licensed construction firm located in Byfield, Massachusetts.

byfield builders was created using WordPress, a robust and highly functional platform that can be easily optimized and customized for use as either a blog or a fully functional small business website, with our without a blog. (more…)

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Daily Affirmations: Abundance

Abundance is like the ocean, it ebbs and it flows. Today, I re-mind myself, that each ebb that slows the flow, is an opportunity to renew my commitment to that flow of abundance in my life or find new ways to create flow. In this, I affirm, I am abundant.

sandypointNamaste… Pamela

Photo: Sandy Point, Plum Island, Massachusetts ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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