Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Maudslay State Park

Daily Affirmations: Light My Path

When times in my life are confusing and I do not know which way to turn, I ask the Universe… Light my path, guide my way, help me to see the right direction to follow and guide me to solve the conflicts in my heart and mind.

maudslay trail pink azalea

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmation: Be An Instrument for Change

Today, re-mind myself that I can make a difference in the world. In affirming this ability to make a difference, I ask to be led to the platform from which I can be most effective. With an open mind and open heart, I give what I can, that I may be an instrument for change in my own life and the life of others.

lilac river maudslay

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: In Seeking to Accomplish Goals

It seems there is never enough time in a day to get things done. Today I re-mind myself that in seeking to my accomplish goals, I must take one goal at a time and finish the task before moving on to the next goal. I affirm that to accomplish my goals, I must not set too many in front of myself at one time or strive too far beyond my means. In seeking to accomplish goals, I remember that I am Human and there are limits to what I can accomplish in one day. Sometimes when overloaded with things to do I must recognize that less is more when I have many things to get done. One goal at a time, working in the moment, gets it done…


Namaste… Pamela

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Quote of the Day: Follow Your Own Path

Be bold, Take a chance... Follow you own path!

Be bold,
Take a chance…
Follow you own path!

© Pamela Leavey

As a creative soul, my spirit has always dictated that I follow my own path. Sometimes I may stumble, but I know when I step out boldly and take a chance, I am giving myself the power to discover more about myself and life. ~ Namaste… Pamela


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Daily Affirmations: Procrastination

Today, I will set a new course in my life and begin to make changes to when and how I do things that need to get done. I often procrastinate, wait until the last moment and this causes unnecessary stress on me. Instead of getting things done, I worry myself thinking about the fact that I have a list of things to do. Today, I will start with my list of things to do and get them done, one by one. There is nothing healthy or productive about procrastination. I affirm to release procrastination from my life, today and everyday, as I walk my daily path.

maudslay trail

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Challenges


The Universe is always offering up opportunities, challenges and tests. How we meet those opportunities, challenges and tests determines our next steps on our life path. Today, I re-mind myself that everything in life happens for a reason. We can learn and grow from our experiences or we can stay stuck in the rut in the road wondering why life is passing us by. I choose this day and every day to continue moving forward regardless of the challenges that cross my path. ~ Namaste… Pamela

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