Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Maudslay State Park

Daily Affirmations: To Question is to Learn

When we are weighted down with troubles and woes, we can easily start to lose confidence, sometimes without even being aware that that is happening. Even the strongest among us, with years of spiritual practice can find themselves doubting from time to time. To question our faith, to question our path, these are natural to us all. These are healthy questions from which we learn. And learn is what we are here to do.

Today, I re-mind myself that it is customary to question our beliefs, as that is part of the seeking. I affirm to question is to learn. No spiritual path is ever lined with rose bushes along a white picket fence. We have work to do along the way of our path, we have rocks to stumble over and brambles to wade through. Sometimes we will experience sheer bliss upon a path and other times we will suffer in the most profound ways. The purpose is the immerse fully in the path and not plant roses to mask the difficult parts of the journey, but let the path be our guide.

The path always guides me…

maudslay path

Photo: Early Spring on the Maudslay Trail ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: The Wounded Heart

It always seems so easy to shrink away from people in our lives when we are going through emotional pain, sadness and grief, but in truth, that is the time when we most need people in our lives.

“Our griefs tempt us to isolation. Our sorrows lead us towards secrecy. The wounded heart is reluctant to show itself, fearful in its vulnerability of being wounded anew. The great mystery is that in connection lies our protection. In openness we find our shield. The soul is a field of wind-tossed grasses, touched alike by sun and snow. Sharing our trials lessens our burdens. Baring our secrets brings us solace and peace.”

“Today, I step forward out of isolation. I communicate to someone my heart’s truth. I lay aside my defenses and allow my heart to be seen unshadowed by secrets or by sorrow. As I reveal myself, I am seen and accepted; I am protected and healed.” – Julia Cameron: Transitions

maudslay field

Photo: Maudslay Field ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Quote of the Day: Sam Keen

My soul-searching, spiritual journey has taken my on some very interesting paths in order to find spiritual truths that answer the questions stirring in my soul. My library is filled with books on various spiritual genre’s. Typically I find if an author speaks to me, I will read most of what they publish.

Wisdom is found in so many places, books are just one of the many avenues a seeker can travel on, in order to find their own truth. Nature is of course, another favorite avenue for seeking truths.

maudslay path

Among my favorite books throughout the years is Sam Keen’s Hymns to an Unknown God: Awakening The Spirit In Everyday Life. The quote below is a favorite from that book:

“Once you have discovered your vocation, it is by no means certain that it will have anything to do with your occupation. A soulful occupation requires us to refrain from using our creativity in socially harmful ways.” – Sam Keen: Hymns to an Unknown God

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Maudslay Path ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: I Will Do My Best

As a writer I often struggle with my voice questioning whether my words are touching others lives as I intend them to. Artists often struggle with their creative talents and find it difficult at times to properly express themselves through their given medium. This is true for all people, as it speaks to a question of whether or not I am good enough, or capable of doing a good job in any vocation. It is important for us to learn to cross that bridge and put self-doubt behind us when it arises.

maudslay foot bridge

The bottom-line is that all people at one time or another suffer from self-doubt. In these moments of self-doubt, we each must remind ourselves that in doing our best, we will succeed…

Today, I honor the place in me that knows who I am. I am filled with a warm sense of comfort by honoring all that I am. I thank the Spirit that moves through me and brings my creations into fruition. I go forth on this day, knowing that I will do my best, in all that I do.

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Foot Bridge at Maudslay ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: Change

If you want to have a different life, you must be willing to step out on a limb to change it.

maudslay treeToday, I acknowledge the components of my life that need to change and I make the process of that change a priority in my life. I embrace the change I wish to happen in my life, I visualize my life with those changes in place. I re-mind myself that I have the courage it takes to step out on that limb and make change happen in my life.

Namaste… Pamela

Photo: Old Tree at Maudslay ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Daily Affirmations: My Inner Critic Serves No Purpose

I know most days I am my own worst critic, finding fault with my work and doubting its viability in the world. We all face these doubts and insecurities, some of us more than others. The creative soul particularly struggles with these issues when their work is their art, no matter what form that art may be. The author painstakingly works and then reworks a simple phrase repeatedly, looking for the perfect words to describe a feeling or scene. The singer struggles with hitting the right note. The dancer pushes herself to extremes to reach a certain height as she leaps. But this is not simply the plight of the artist, as I note, we all face these doubts and insecurities. We are all our own worst critic.

Today, I re-mind myself that my inner critic serves no purpose but to stand in my way. I open the door and give my inner critic permission to leave. I affirm to myself, that my work, my creative vision is viable and worthy. Each my inner critic sneaks back through my closed-door, I will send it packing. My inner critic serves no purpose. There is no room on my path for the inner critic.

maudslay trailPhoto: Trail at Maudslay State Park ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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