Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Maudslay State Park

Daily Affirmations: The Natural World

Nature is always my go to place to clear my heart and and mind, bolster my spirit and affirm my connection in the world…


“I cherish the natural world. I see it in the wisdom of God’s unfolding. I surrender my resistance to unfolding fully and beautifully. I embrace the mysteries of my own evolution. I invite my divine nature to expand and nurture myself and others.” – Julia Cameron: Heart Steps

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Daily Affirmations: Relationships

“Today, I remind myself that as all relationships are assignments, there are many things I can learn from each person who I interact with, whether friends or family. Sometimes in relationships we learn hard lessons and sometimes those relationships bring us the greatest joy. I thank the Universe today for allowing me to participate in this learning experience that is constantly changing and testing my ability to learn from my assignments. Life is a path we walk and our relationships are all stops along the way.” – Pamela J. Leavey

Maudslay Path
Maudslay Path

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Daily Affirmations: Contentment

“From the very core of our being we desire contentment. For harmony each individual’s identity must be respected.” – The Dalai Lama

Peonies and Flox at Maudslay
Peonies and Flox at Maudslay

Today, I re-mind myself that my contentment is not contingent on others in my life and the world. And, I reaffirm my commitment to acceptance of all people who touch my life.

Namaste… Pamela

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Reflections: Nature

Walking in nature takes the spirit back to its primordial existence and reunites the mind, body and soul with the very essence of being. The seeker always finds truth in nature for nature defines the cycle of life in its most basic form. A flower buds, then blossoms and wanes. Its season may be short or long, its existence is fragile, just as our own. We are gifted with nature’s rich abundance all around us. But it is up to us to preserve, protect and give reverence to nature in return for the gifts it gives to each of us.

Rhododendrons at Maudslay ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
Rhododendrons at Maudslay ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014

When I walk along a flower lined path, in the midst of magical forest, I am one with every living thing on that path. My heart harkens, my spirit soars, my mind fills with inspiration. I am blessed.

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Reflections: Obstacles

Sometimes our path is easier than others. The Universe puts obstacles in our way and we must move through those obstacles with the best grace and ease we can muster, even when the journey seems difficult. In those times we summon faith to be at our side and guide us through the obstacles, knowing in time, this too shall pass.

Maudslay State Park ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
Maudslay State Park ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014


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Reflections: Water

Reflection at Maudslay ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
Reflection at Maudslay ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014

There is a certain sense of inner peace that radiates from a still, reflective body of water and fills the soul with a stillness much like that of meditation. In the reflection one sees the wonders of nature mirrored back at itself, sans the ego of the human looking into the mirror. Water is among the most sacred of elements to the Great Mother Goddess, for water sustains all living things.

Sam Keen notes in Hymns to an Unknown God, “In Taoism, the way of water is the metaphor for wisdom.” Indeed, in water I see all that was, all that is and all that can be, and I am renewed by its cool existence and constant motion, that fills my soul with hope and happiness. To imagine the world without water, is to imagine a barren soul devoid of life.

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