March 15, 2009
If you looked into my heart
You might know where I have been
If you listened to my soul speak
You might understand who I am
Of course that always works both ways… Doesn’t it?
We don’t know unless we look and listen.
words and pictures....
March 15, 2009
If you looked into my heart
You might know where I have been
If you listened to my soul speak
You might understand who I am
Of course that always works both ways… Doesn’t it?
We don’t know unless we look and listen.
March 9, 2009
If you follow the path in the snow between the trees up the hill and then into the clouds, it will lead to the sun:
March 5, 2009
The sun in all it’s glory, has chosen to shine today. I am grateful.
March 3, 2009
One of the things I love about living here in Eastport, Maine is the ability to see the stars better at night. With wide open skies and no cities around for miles upon miles, the night skies are something to behold.
March 1, 2009
I wish the sky had looked like this today:
It was grey and stormy instead. More snow on it’s way. I’ve heard it’s been a rough winter here in Eastport this year. I think Mother Nature decided to break me in hard and fast for my first winter here. If I can make it through this one, the other winters here to follow won’t seem so bad.
February 28, 2009
Winter in all it’s glory has stayed too long.
Now it’s time for winter to run along.
I’ve felt enough of the cold, cold air.
I’ve seen enough of the icy and snow.
I’m ready for the spring to blossom.