Today, I affirm: My life is rich… I am blessed with love. I am blessed with prosperity. I am abundant in all things and express my gratitude freely. I see opportunities flowing freely into my life and I welcome them. Where I might feel lacking, I breathe deep and release the concerns I hold on that lack and make room for the richness of life to flow.
Today I release any resistance I have to prosperity and abundance as I recognize that abundance is the natural state that I attract daily. I state my gratitude for all of the abundance in my life, I affirm today and everyday that my life is rich.
Today, I am re-minded that my life is rich and filled with abundance on so many levels. Where I feel it might be lacking, I re-align my thinking from lack to fulfilled and trust the Universe to provide. With the inner peace of knowing that I have all that I need, I open the channels to receive
Today, I affirm that I am fully capable of blossoming like a flower, gracing my life with possibilities and bliss. I recognize that my life is rich and colorful.
In the golden reflection of the sun, we are infused with the light of love and abundance. Today, I re-mind myself that my life is rich and filled with so many blessings. I thank the Universe for those blessings. I give space to gratitude and light in my life.
I grew up on the Merrimack River, living in two homes that were situated less than a quarter-mile from the banks. The Merrimack has always been a great source of power and inspiration to me. I have fond memories of walking the dirt road from my childhood home to the banks of the river as a small child. When my dad got his first boat, we would motor along the river and I would fill up with delight and wonder, to be out on the river feeling the cool breeze and river mist on my face.
On The River ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
Decades later, when I lived a stones throw from the banks of the river, I could see the wooden dories and skiffs at Lowell’s Boat Shop in Amesbury, from my desk window. They would beckon me at times to grab my camera and capture the afternoon sun on the river and boats.
The river is a constant in my life. Barely a day goes by, since I moved a mile or two inland from it, that I don’t drive along the river and marvel at its powerful tidal currents caused by my close proximity to the ocean. I feel the tug and the lure of the river course through my veins and I am released to flow like the river. It is a stalwart reminder that my life is rich.
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Musing and Rambling
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