Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: National Wildlife Refuge

Daily Affirmations: Happiness

Each and every day, I re-mind myself that happiness is a choice, not a condition. I can choose to be happy, or I can choose to be any emotion that falls into the realm of ‘not happy’. Truly, what choice is there to make, but that of happiness? For I know, that happiness is Universe’s choice for me. If I am to wallow, than me wallow in joy and the knowledge that Heaven is here, now. Happiness happens when I find joy in the simplest things. Happiness happens when I live fill my life with positive energy. Happiness happens when I live in the moment and release the worries of the future or the past. Happiness is here, now. Choose it. Intent makes manifest.

hellcat swamp dike

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Always Manifesting Change In My Life

Be careful what you wish for is a refrain that I am reminded of from time to time. Thoughts can and do manifest into opportunities in my life because intent can be easily set within the framework of our thoughts and words.

Today, I re-mind myself and I affirm that I am ever creating new opportunities and always manifesting change in my life. And yet, each day, I seek to step back and ask that I might be led, as I move through my day, so that I am creating within the bounds of the greatest good possible. In my daily quest, I seek for the Higher Power within to inspire and direct my course.


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Believe In Yourself

Sometimes we all struggle with our self-esteem and self-worth. Today, I affirm that to believe in yourself is the first step to achieving your dreams. I keep this affirmation close in my heart and mind and I affirm this belief everyday.

salt pannes sunset early october

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Take Time For Myself

We all need to find and or make time for ourselves…

“Today, I will remember to stop and take time
for myself. One person can only do so much,
and I must remember that I am one person.
Today, I will pause long enough to appreciate
myself and pamper my heart and soul, if only
for a few short moments.”
– Pamela J. Leavey

I recently moved to a new apartment and I have been on the go since my move. Unpacking, arranging, finding places to put things. In addition, I have been playing catch-up with my online class at UMass Amherst UWW. I’ve finally caught-up with my classes, and the unpacking is as good as it gets for the moment. Today, it is time to take time for myself…


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Daily Affirmations: Catching Up

Today, I am re-minded that catching up sometimes means slowing down a little so that you ensure that what you need to get caught-up on gets done correctly. Even if you fall behind you still need to take the time to do the things you need to do in proper fashion. I affirm to myself today, it is okay to be precise. It is okay to get it done right. It is okay to fall behind and I will not guilt myself for it. Today, I will take each task that I am behind on, and work on it in the moment until I complete them one by one. And so it is…

late september salt pannes

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Simply Enjoy Life

Today, I re-mind myself that even in the midst of a stack of to-do’s it is important to take time for me, and schedule a little fun into my life with friends. It is important to take time out from even the busiest of schedules to relax and laugh with friends and simply enjoy life rather than allow it to blow by on the winds. Sometimes, being in the moment requires taking time for me. The value of “me time” can never be underscored.

purple marsh grass

Namaste… Pamela

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