Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Parker River

Daily Affirmations: I Am Blessed

I am blessed with the knowledge each day, that my life is filled with love; that I have great love in my life. Like the new growth on trees in Spring, I am abundant in my love and in my life. I bless the love and the loved ones I have in my life, today and everyday.” – Pamela J. Leavey

(Photo: Spring Buds at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Daily Affirmations: I Welcome the Opportunities

“Today, I recognize that there are no coincidences. Everything that happens is for a reason, everyone whom I meet is an assignment. I welcome the opportunities that arise for growth and further understanding.” – Pamela J. Leavey

(Photo: Snowy Owl at Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Winter Sky

Fill your day with love…

(Photo: Winter Sky at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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On The Parker River Path

In the midst of my imposed immobility, I occasionally get sprung from the sanctuary that I call home, and I am whisked away for drive through the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge.

The winter days have been so unseasonably warm over the past few weeks and my soul craves the sun and fresh air, not to mention some good bird sightings as well.

On my most recent excursion to the Refuge, which truly is the most marvelous stronghold for my soul, we were lucky to find a lovely White Egret sunning near two Mute Swans. Suddenly the White Egret took to flight and it was spectacular to witness it’s ascent into the skies.

I wish my camera did better justice to the majesty of watching this lovely bird in flight… I’m was filled with gratitude with the blessing of just quietly witnessing it’s presence.

(Photo: White Egret in Flight ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Reflections: Rough Seas

I’ve been charting rough seas for a few weeks now and I keep looking for a break from the many storms that have been thrown my way, financial, physical and given the first two, emotional as well. It’s been one of those times in life that no matter how hard you try, you just feel like it’s tough to get a break.

I’ve always believed in the power of positive thought and intent but sometimes even within a daily practice of affirmations, gratitude and prayers, you still feel as though the sea is tossing you from side to side.

Still, there are moments as each day passes by, that I see the light at the end of the tunnel. There is a reflection of light so wonderous, that it fills me with the necessary strength to push through the rough seas…

(Photo: Reflection on the Salt Marsh ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2011)

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On The Parker River Path

It’s been three and a half weeks since I last walked On The Parker River Path. The beaver dam pictured above was a familiar sight as we hiked Hellcat Swamp at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge.

I learned while walking the Parker River Path to watch for nature’s changes each hike, as nature’s changes were life’s changes.

Sometimes we build a dam around us for protection. Sometimes we soar over the trees filled with joy. There are days when our lives are filled with turbulent winds and days when we light up like the sun.

I keep the lessons of the Parker River Path close to my heart right now, until I can walk that path again. The lessons of the Parker River Path give me faith that the Great Mother Goddess is always with us. She is the primal heartbeat within us all.

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