Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Parker River

Food For Thought: Love Unconditionally

love unconditionally (more…)

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Food For Thought: Peace Starts Within

peace starts within (more…)

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Daily Affirmations: The Power to Change My Life

Sometimes we get stuck in a rut and we cannot get out of our own way, even when we need to. It might feel as though the weight of the world is on our shoulders or we might just be tired of the struggles. Whatever the cause, in order to empower ourselves, it is so important to re-mind ourselves that we can change our lives:

Today, I affirm… I alone have the power to change my life. I am capable of overcoming all adversities. I am free from all negative thoughts and habits.

salt pannes

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: To Treat Others as I Wish to be Treated

Today, I re-mind myself of this most basic yet powerful creed, to treat others as I wish to be treated. I ask for guidance in all of my relationships, from my friends and family to the strangers that I meet this and everyday. I step back today and everyday in my interactions and I ask that my Higher Power lead the way. Our relationships are assignments, they are our guides to learning. Not only can I learn new and important things from other people if I keep an open mind and an open heart, but I can also learn about myself in my interactions with others. In knowing I have a tender, sensitive way about me, I try to always take heed and care that others do as well. This is daily practice that I know I must continue to foster each day.

great white egret

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Happiness is Contagious

Today, I seek to touch the lives of all whom I meet, friend and stranger alike, with a smile and a positive
attitude because happiness is contagious. I re-mind myself that a smile and a positive attitude multiplies and grows where ever it goes. And so it is…

lesser yellow legs

Namaste – Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Happiness

Each and every day, I re-mind myself that happiness is a choice, not a condition. I can choose to be happy, or I can choose to be any emotion that falls into the realm of ‘not happy’. Truly, what choice is there to make, but that of happiness? For I know, that happiness is Universe’s choice for me. If I am to wallow, than me wallow in joy and the knowledge that Heaven is here, now. Happiness happens when I find joy in the simplest things. Happiness happens when I live fill my life with positive energy. Happiness happens when I live in the moment and release the worries of the future or the past. Happiness is here, now. Choose it. Intent makes manifest.

hellcat swamp dike

Namaste… Pamela

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