Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: News

Women and the Presidential Election

Baby boomer aged women, including myself are struggling more in the recession than others, NBC News Economy Watch reports:

A generation of women who flooded the paid labor force in the 1970s has spent the past four decades overcoming a host of obstacles to win its fair share of the American economic pie.

But for many women now approaching what was to have been the end of their careers, the Great Recession has turned out to be the biggest obstacle of their lives.

The recession has been particularly hard for single boomer women like myself:

Incomes for single boomer women have lagged even further behind other households. Since 1970, median incomes for married couples with both spouses in the paid work force have risen steadily – up more than 40 percent to nearly $86,000 (as of 2009). One-income couples and households headed by single men saw little improvement, with median incomes rising to less than $50,000. For single women, the median income, after rising slowly since 1970, barely hit $29,000 in 2009.

While both candidates are working hard and heavy to court the woman’s vote, I personally believe that the candidate that will deliver more for women, including income equality, jobs, education, the right to choice, privacy and health care, is Barack Obama.

Mitt Romney will turn back the clock on women’s issues, and we boomer women can’t afford to go back to the 50’s.

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Springsteen’s New Single: We Take Care Of Our Own (Video with Lyrics)

** Cross posted from The Democratic Daily

Bruce Springsteen’s new single “We Take Care Of Our Own,” off his upcoming CD, Wrecking Ball was released today.

ABC News notes, “judging from the names of the other tracks listed on the singers website — “This Depression,” “Easy Money,” and “Death to My Hometown” — Springsteen is once again wading in political waters and returning his focus to working-class issues.”

“We Take Care Of Our Own” is a hard hitting rocker, in true Springsteen / E Street Band style. As longtime readers here know, I am a big Springsteen fan and I have to say this new single simply blew me away musically and lyrically.

Watch the video debut here: (more…)

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British Soul Singer Amy Winehouse, Dies at 27

Matt Dunham / AP

The so very troubled and talented Amy Winehouse is dead, at 27.

Amy Winehouse “found worldwide fame with a sassy, hip-hop-inflected take on retro soul, yet became a tabloid fixture as her problems with drugs and alcohol led to a strikingly public career collapse.” She was found dead today in her London apartment, the police said.

Although the cause of death is at this point “unknown,” the news of Winehouse’s death stunned me and made me feel a sense heartbreak that she had most likely lost her battle with drugs and alcohol. (more…)

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If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. — Kahlil Gibran

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One Day

One day soon I hope I’ll find more time to post here… until then:


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Daily Inspiration: Thought, Word And Deed

“The tools of creation are: thought, word and deed.” – Neale Donald Walsch – Conversations With God, Book 1

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