When we are weighted down with troubles and woes, we can easily start to lose confidence, sometimes without even being aware that that is happening. Even the strongest among us, with years of spiritual practice can find themselves doubting from time to time. To question our faith, to question our path, these are natural to us all. These are healthy questions from which we learn. And learn is what we are here to do.
Today, I re-mind myself that it is customary to question our beliefs, as that is part of the seeking. I affirm to question is to learn. No spiritual path is ever lined with rose bushes along a white picket fence. We have work to do along the way of our path, we have rocks to stumble over and brambles to wade through. Sometimes we will experience sheer bliss upon a path and other times we will suffer in the most profound ways. The purpose is the immerse fully in the path and not plant roses to mask the difficult parts of the journey, but let the path be our guide.
The path always guides me…

Photo: Early Spring on the Maudslay Trail ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
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