February 14, 2021
Good Morning Friends… Happy Valentine’s Day 💞
May your day be filled with love, laughter and grace, and may you share that love, laughter and grace with others. It is love, laughter and grace that binds us all.

words and pictures....
February 14, 2021
Good Morning Friends… Happy Valentine’s Day 💞
May your day be filled with love, laughter and grace, and may you share that love, laughter and grace with others. It is love, laughter and grace that binds us all.
February 12, 2021
Good Morning Everyone! In the winter waking to the sun is always such a blessing, especially now that the days are getting longer, the sun is a little higher and stronger everyday.
The pandemic has put so many strains on us this winter. Life is so different for us all. Yesterday I double masked, as the CDC is not recommended and went about running my errands. Each day I remind myself, repeatedly to stay strong, that I can got through this. And this is what I wish to remind you all today…
Stay strong, you can get through this. Think of things to come, let your mind wander to spring flowers bursting through the cold ground and giving life to color. Find grace in the little things. Be kind to one another, pay some kindness forward. And please, stay safe. 💛
February 11, 2021
Good Afternoon Everyone…
I love the clematis vine in this photo, clinging to a piece of fence for support. Its existence is emblematic of the embraces and support we all need in life. Particularly the embraces.
Today, I’m sending out air hugs and warm embraces of love in the virtual world. I hope you’ll pass along virtual hugs to your peeps today too…. 💙
February 10, 2021
Good Morning Everyone!
May you great the day with light and color, and spread kindness about.
February 9, 2021
Good Morning Friends! February seems to be the month that keeps giving… snow. I don’t mind the snow, I mind the shoveling.
There’s something wonderful about the silence of softly falling snow, it settles seamlessly on the earth, finding secret spots to sit and ponder. I am envious of snow’s magic.
I hope you all find secret spots to sit and ponder today. Our world has changed so much in the past year. Be gentle with yourself today, even if just for a few moments… 💙
February 8, 2021
Good Morning Everyone… I was up and out this morning, clearing the snow off my car and moving it, so the snow plow could clear out the driveway. All this before morning coffee… A fine way to start the day. Sort of.
The sun is shining and the skies are a brilliant blue, the winter birds are eating the suet hanging off my back entry way. I am grateful for the grace of sunshine this day, and happy to have birds at my backdoor.
As you go about your Monday, friends, be kind to one another. Kindness is what drives hope in the world.