February 11, 2020
With each new day, we have the opportunity to start over. The canvas is fresh and we can decide how we want to color our day and our life. We’re all here to make a difference in the world. We’re all here live our best lives. We can decide how we want our day to affect us. We can reject negativity that is thrown our way, we can decide to rise above the obstacles that impede us.

Within every wall that blocks our walk of life, there is an opening to escape what holds us in. Don’t let the walls keep you from moving forward. Find an opening and discover a different way.
Today, I affirm that I will not be deterred by negativity, obstacles or walls that keep me from living my fullest life. I have the power to move forward each and every day, and in that power rests my ability to color my world and the world around me with love and light. And so it is, I set my intent and recognize… Intent makes manifest.