April 1, 2016
You need to open the door to see what is inside…
That is all part of going with the flow. Life happens. Be open. Be in the moment.
You have the power to manifest what you desire in life. Intent makes manifest.
words and pictures....
April 1, 2016
You need to open the door to see what is inside…
That is all part of going with the flow. Life happens. Be open. Be in the moment.
You have the power to manifest what you desire in life. Intent makes manifest.
March 30, 2016
Today, I re-mind myself that to be empowered, I am willing to release the negative patterns in my life and create new positive patterns that bring about empowerment and positive action. It is not easy to break patterns in our lives, but I am willing to look critically at what I can change to create a positive way of life that facilitates living more fruitfully with abundance and joy. I understand that if I am open to releasing the negative thought forms that hold me back and prohibit me from creating positive experiences in my life, I create space for positive intention to create positive results in my life. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.
Blessed Be… Pamela
March 29, 2016
To be prosperous and abundant, I must acknowledge that prosperity is the natural state of acceptance for all that I have in my life. Prosperity and abundance are not limited to material things and objects. When I am grateful for the riches of my life that are outside of the bounds of material possessions, I am open to receive. When I am grateful for my abundance, in every way, I am open to receive. When I am open to receive, I set the space for more riches to enter my life. As I use my intent to acknowledge my prosperity and abundance, I plant the garden in which my riches might grow. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.
Blessed Be… Pamela
March 28, 2016
Every morning, decide the traits you want to exhibit today; the kinds of experiences you want to have & the kind of life you want to live. Hone your attitudinal muscles by getting clear on these kinds of things, holding the thoughts and then handing them to the Divine. Then your subconscious mind starts making them manifest. ~ Marianne Williamson
Today, I re-mind myself to look closely at my goals and desires and make certain that they are clear. I understand that in setting goals, it is important to understand that typically it takes time for our goals and desires to come to fruition, for these are things that we must work at, rather than sit back and expect them to come to us. And so today, I also set space for the practice of patience, for I know that patience is required to see these things through. With clear intent, I open myself to the divine possibilities that flow from the Universe, for it is in those divine possibilities that my goals and desires can manifest. Open mind, open heart, receptive to the energies of the Universe that make all things possible. And so it is… Intent makes Manifest.
Blessed Be… Pamela
March 27, 2016
“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp–or what’s heaven for?” – Robert Browning