Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Pamela Leavey

Food For Thought: Watching the River Flow

I sit at my desk mesmerized… The river has shifted its flow and is moving upstream with the force of the incoming tide from the ocean. Along the sides of the river, the water is rippling in an undulating motion as if trying to go against the movement of the upstream flow.

I am captivated by the flow of the river and its motion, seeming so unnatural a motion, to flow upstream instead of down. Yet, every day the river takes a trek both up and down stream, for I live on the lower end of the mighty Merrimack River, where the tides of the river shift with the ocean’s tides. The frigid temperatures of this day have created massive sheets and formations of ice, which stretch across to the center of the river. They are captivating to watch as they move past my vantage point at my desk window.

Merrimack River, Amesbury, Mass

I think of the river, in all of its guises, as part of me, in all of my guises. I am as changeable and impermanent as the river. I feel the cold hard edges of the ice jarring me from the inside, begging me to reach deeper into the depths of my own source that I might understand the very flow of life.

I see the forms of other life and substances caught in the ice, frozen for a time, creating more texture, forming more questions in my mind. Where did this branch come from? Where is it going? Who am I in the grand scheme of it all. (more…)

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Daily Affirmations: Cast Off the Mantle of Struggle

Today, I re-mind myself that carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders weighs heavy on my limbs, for burdens of life though they may stay with us for some time, are meant to be lessons that ultimately lift us up, not continually weigh us down. With my intention set at its highest purpose, I seek today and every day to let go of the burdens that I hold tight to. I release the past, I rest in the present, I go with the flow, and I let the weight that holds me down, melt away. I forgive those who need forgiveness, including myself. I accept what I may not understand. I look for blessings in the littlest of things, the briefest of moments. There I find gratitude in my day. I keep an open space in my heart that might feel compassion and love for those who like me struggle in this world. I strive this and every day to cast off the mantle of struggle and use my life to lift up others. I accept the grace that leads me. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

Snow on the Pines
Snow on the Pines

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Conduit

Today I re-mind myself that I rest in the light of Universe. I acknowledge that my life is rich with blessings great and small. I am abundant. I feel great gratitude. Gratitude matters… I feel the power of all good things coming from me and to me. I seek to give what I get and more. I am here to be a conduit of the light of the Universe. May my open heart be that conduit. May my open mind be a flume of inspiration and enlightenment for others. May I make someone else’s day a little brighter. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Grow and Change

Each new day is an opportunity to grow and change. I welcome this day and every day, with gratitude and an open heart. I re-mind myself that I can open doors to new opportunities to learn and grow. I can open doors to change my viewpoint, my heart and my mind. I can grow and change, and be a conduit for the greater good, which benefits not only my own life but the lives of others. And so it is… With my open heart and open mind, I greet this day welcoming growth and change. Intent makes manifest.

columbine flowers

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: I Can Achieve Whatever I Set My Mind To

Today, I re-mind myself that I can achieve whatever I set my mind to. Sometimes I might feel overwhelmed, as though I have taken on more than I can handle. That is a natural feeling that we all get from time to time. When that happens, I must step back, take a deep breath and take on each task, one by one, until I have completed them all. In this, I become one with the process of going with the flow. I create the flow of my workload and I allow myself the time to get it all done. I often take on more than I should, so today, instead of feeling overwhelmed, I accept that I have much to do and I set my intent to get it done. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Be the Best Person That I Can Be

Today I am reminded that life is short. I am here on this Earth to give love, show respect, honor the endeavors of all people, elevate and not tear down my friends and family, show and embody compassion, accept things as they are, and be the best person that I can be on every given day. And so it is…

immature redtailed hawk

Namaste… Pamela

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