Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Pamela Leavey

Daily Affirmations: Relationships are Assignments

Today, I remind myself that all relationships are assignments. Whether I learn the hardest lesson on this day, or I am gifted with a lesson that brings me joy; today, I thank the Creator for allowing me to participate in this learning experience. Every relationship is an opportunity to learn and grow. Every relationship bears the gift of communion and communication with others. Every relationship presents me with the opportunity to proactively practice acceptance, compassion and understanding. I am grateful for the learning that each relationship, no matter how brief or how long, brings to my life. And so it is…


Namaste… Pamela

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Musings: The Path Less Traveled

hellcat dikeThe dike trail at Hellcat Swamp in the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge was opened for a week not long ago. As I walked the trail on the outer western edge of the Refuge, along the banks of the Plum Island River, I could feel the sun so warm and comforting on my back.

There was a special sense of peace felt there walking in this space that see when ever I make a trip to the Refuge.. I asked so often as I stop at Northpool Overlook, “what is out there?” (more…)

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Daily Affirmations: Clear Heart

clear heart

Affirmation of the Day…

In manifesting my goals, I focus clearly on my intent and desires.

My clear heart is my most powerful ally. – Pamela J. Leavey

Intent Makes Manifest… Namaste…

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Musings: The Elusive Red Bird

Musings from my nature writing journal…

A cardinal flew across the road today as I was walking. It darted out from the trees and made a quick trajectory to the other side of the road, flashing its brilliant scarlet-feathered figure in a swift streak before my eyes. I became transfixed upon the stand of trees and brush that the cardinal had descended into, managing somehow despite its brilliant color to blend in to the colorful fall foliage. There it sat hidden in nature’s camouflage. And, I waited, patiently and quietly for him to emerge, ever peering deeper into the wood to catch a glimpse of him fluttering from limb to limb. (more…)

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Daily Affirmations: True Self

True Self Quote - Pamela Leavey

Affirmation of the day…

“My heart knows who my true self is.
Nothing that anyone says or feels
about me, can take that away. I am
grounded and confident in who I am.”
Pamela J. Leavey

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American Indian Poet, Actor, Activist John Trudell Passes On at 69

John Trudell, Santee Sioux, passed away this morning. He was 69. I have been a long time fan of John Trudell’s written and spoken word, as well as an admirer of the work he has done as an activist. I had the pleasure of meeting John a few times while living in Los Angeles and seeing him perform with his band, Bad Dog. I was deeply saddened to learn a few days ago that John had cancer and his time was limited here on our planet, the planet he advocated for in so many ways.

I am a better person for knowing John Trudell. He was a great man, a peaceful warrior, a stellar human being. His words will be with us forever…

“My ride showed up.””Celebrate Love. Celebrate Life.” John Trudell February 15, 1946 – December 8, 2015

Posted by John Trudell on Tuesday, December 8, 2015


More in the news here

Prayers for John’s family and all his relations… Mitakuye Owasin.

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