Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Pamela Leavey

Daily Affirmations: To Treat Others as I Wish to be Treated

Today, I re-mind myself of this most basic yet powerful creed, to treat others as I wish to be treated. I ask for guidance in all of my relationships, from my friends and family to the strangers that I meet this and everyday. I step back today and everyday in my interactions and I ask that my Higher Power lead the way. Our relationships are assignments, they are our guides to learning. Not only can I learn new and important things from other people if I keep an open mind and an open heart, but I can also learn about myself in my interactions with others. In knowing I have a tender, sensitive way about me, I try to always take heed and care that others do as well. This is daily practice that I know I must continue to foster each day.

great white egret

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Happiness is Contagious

Today, I seek to touch the lives of all whom I meet, friend and stranger alike, with a smile and a positive
attitude because happiness is contagious. I re-mind myself that a smile and a positive attitude multiplies and grows where ever it goes. And so it is…

lesser yellow legs

Namaste – Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Happiness

Each and every day, I re-mind myself that happiness is a choice, not a condition. I can choose to be happy, or I can choose to be any emotion that falls into the realm of ‘not happy’. Truly, what choice is there to make, but that of happiness? For I know, that happiness is Universe’s choice for me. If I am to wallow, than me wallow in joy and the knowledge that Heaven is here, now. Happiness happens when I find joy in the simplest things. Happiness happens when I live fill my life with positive energy. Happiness happens when I live in the moment and release the worries of the future or the past. Happiness is here, now. Choose it. Intent makes manifest.

hellcat swamp dike

Namaste… Pamela

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My Writing Life: Little Red Pays a Visit

I was hoping my move to the river a few weeks ago would provide me for good inspiration for my writing. It has taken me sometime to settle in to my new place and that has been a distraction from school, and of course my writing. The inspiration is starting to kick in, I am happy to say.

Writing has been my life and I’ve never fulfilled writing what I really wanted to write about so I am working on that now while I am working on BA at UMass Amherst University Without Walls where I am majoring in Creative Writing and Communication in the Digital Age.

I had a visitor to my front porch this morning. A little red squirrel who eventually started tearing into an old cushion on beat up wicker chair with a basket of fake forsythia in it. I grabbed the cameras. And then I grabbed my big 8.5″ x 11″ journal and started writing. I”ll take it… one page at a time.

Little Red Pays a Visit: (more…)

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Daily Affirmations: The Power of the Positive

Today, I re-mind myself that all things happen for a reason, although sometimes it is easy to think otherwise. So often we find when examining a situation in our lives that our thoughts and intent create all that comes to us, whether it is good or bad. Today, I affirm that negative thoughts breed negative action. I re-mind myself I can not afford the luxury of a negative thought. Positive thoughts breed positive action. Today, I practice the power of the positive in all things I do and say. Intent makes manifest.

october day sandy point

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Love Is

Love is acceptance. Love is compassion. Love is honesty. Love is the perfect flower, that blooms in the sun’s warm glow. Love is the laughter and the smile of a child. Love is the knowledge that, all things are as the Great Mother Goddess created them. Today I affirm that when I accept that, I open my heart and soul, to ceaseless possibilities.


Namaste… pamela

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