Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Pamela Leavey

Daily Affirmations: To Learn and Grow From My Mistakes

Today, I re-mind myself that over the course of time, we all repeat the same mistakes time and time again until we solidify the lesson we need to learn. Today, I ask for the strength to learn and grow from my mistakes. I re-mind myself that there are always warning signs and I must be watchful for those signs so that I will not to succumb to the vicious cycle of repeating my mistakes over and over again.


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Let the Universe Lead the Way

May grace guide me through this day, so that all that I do, all that I create, is of the highest good. May my thoughts and actions come from a loving place within my heart and soul and radiate to all whom I come in contact with on this day. Today and every day, I affirm that I will step back and let the Universe lead the way. And so it is..

fall on merrimack river

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Always Manifesting Change In My Life

Be careful what you wish for is a refrain that I am reminded of from time to time. Thoughts can and do manifest into opportunities in my life because intent can be easily set within the framework of our thoughts and words.

Today, I re-mind myself and I affirm that I am ever creating new opportunities and always manifesting change in my life. And yet, each day, I seek to step back and ask that I might be led, as I move through my day, so that I am creating within the bounds of the greatest good possible. In my daily quest, I seek for the Higher Power within to inspire and direct my course.


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmation: I Am Exactly Where I Am Supposed To Be

Today, I re-mind myself to seek not to direct the flow of my life, but to let the flow of my life direct me. I affirm to myself that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I am supposed to do. I reinforce in myself that what I can change is how I react, when placed in a situation that may not be pleasant or comfortable. In a circumstance or situation in which I find myself struggling for comfort and balance, I know I must pull back and then reach into my center to draw my energy level up, where it and I can act from the highest good – love. Today I affirm that the key is to remember that in every moment, I must act consciously from love, not to react from fear or anger.

sandy point late october 2015

Namaste… Pamela

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Hot Running Tap

Delving through an unpublished manuscript of my poetry, I ran across this piece that hits home for me right now…

hot running tapHot Running Tap

Surely, had I looked
The other way,
I would have seen you coming;
The look in your eyes,
Your smile,
Your lines that flowed
Like a hot running tap.
But I, was too intrigued
By your fiery
Lingering glances.
And yet, somehow
I felt safe enough
To take my chances.
And now,
As the disenchantment sets in,
And I think to myself,
I will never
See you again;
I realize
Had I looked
The other way,
I would have seen
You coming,
And spared myself
Getting burned.

© Pamela J. Leavey (From my unpublished poetry manuscript: Rogue Lovers, Thieves Of My Heart, And Others)

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Daily Affirmations: Gratitude for Life Through the Bounty of Nature

Today, I seek to recognize every blessing that comes my way, from the flock of geese who loudly proclaim their flight overhead, to the the sunshine breaking through the clouds at daybreak. I thank the Great Mother Goddess today, for these and all blessings found in nature. The colors of fall that permeate the scenery around me, the sparrows fluttering from bush to bush, I am grateful for all blessings that pass my way, today and everyday. In affirming my gratitude for life through the bounty of nature, I affirm my gratitude for all things great and small. In this, I proclaim, I am abundant.


Namaste… Pamela

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