March 8, 2021
I’ve been collecting and growing orchids for a few years now. I seem to have a 50/50 success rate with getting them to bloom again. These two are bloom right now in my kitchen. The larger white with fuchsia spots is a Polka Dot Phalaenopsis, it re-bloomed from last year. Success!
Orchids can be a little temperamental. They require just the right amount of light, food, and water to bloom. A bit like people. I keep my orchids in a south window and I adjust the light when the sun is too strong using a combination of mini-blinds and sheer curtains. I water every other week with ice cubes and on alternate weeks I use Espoma Organic Orchid Food.
I have five other orchids plants on my orchid shelf right now that I am hoping will all rebloom. Like all things in life, time will tell.