Greetings of the Day Everyone… It’s another dreary day here in coastal Massachusetts. I’m listening to blue jays calling in the back yard, while I sit here at my desk. Blue jays can be very loud and really make a ruckus at times, but I adore them, despite their tendency to also be trouble makers with other birds. So today, I’ll just take a moment to remind you all, to not be like the blue jay, making trouble. Instead, be kind to one another. A simple gesture of kindness goes a long way in these pandemic times.
A year ago, I applied for an MFA in Creative Writing at a local university. I was rejected (re: large pool of applicants), but encouraged to apply again this year. I applied again in January feeling hopeful with a stronger personal statement and writing sample.
Yesterday, I was rejected again (re: large pool of applicants). Given my age, I imagine that most or all of the applicants are much younger than me, though not any more qualified academically or a better writer than me. Not to mention, possessing the life experience I do.
Good Morning Everyone… I was just thinking about spring again this morning. It’s been on my mind a lot of late, perhaps because each day we get a little closer to it, with some warmer weather and the longer days, I feel it is near.
I haven’t seen any pussy willows yet, but soon, I think. Soon. I’m wishing you all a wonderful day, filled with hope and grace, joy and laughter. Be kind to one another… 💙
Good Morning Everyone… It’s a blustery day here in coastal Massachusetts. Like elsewhere in the country finding a slot to get vaccinated for COVID is like winning the Lotto. I waiver each day, since I found out that I was eligible, between looking on the Mass.Gov website for an open slot, to resigning myself to not waste my time right now, knowing that there aren’t enough vaccinations available yet here in Massachusetts, much like other states.
I’d rather spend my time looking at annual seeds online, dreaming of all the flowers I wish I had the room to plant. For now, for today, I will think about the grape hyacinth I planted and hope that my bulbs do well in their first year. The pandemic boredom feels heavy of late. I am bored with social media, bored with streaming movies and series, bored with cooking, bored of boredom. What to do? Start a new hobby? No I have too many already. So today, I’ll just think of spring, the gardening to come, the walks on the beach, and in the woods and hope that hope will, because in the end, I believe that it does. Hope wins.
Good Morning Everyone… I was listening earlier this morning to a cardinal singing in the back yard. There is nothing like the sound of bird song in the morning. The cardinals must be grateful for this sunny morning, as I am. They also tell me that spring will come, and as the snow melts, and the days grow warmer, soon we will see buds, then blossoms, blooming before our eyes.
Last fall I dug a new pandemic garden bed, so I could plant tulips, daffodils and crocus outside my kitchen windows. My elbow has not forgiven me yet for all that digging. As we all wait for our second pandemic spring to arrive, I am thinking today of the gentle awakening of spring and the gratitude that encompasses me when it arrives. Today, I am grateful for the sun and bird song.
Good Morning Everyone… I am welcoming the blue skies and warmer temperatures this morning. I look forward to the sunny spring days, when I can get out in my yard and start gardening. I know I have friends who are thinking the same thing. It’s been along pandemic winter. I wish you all a blessed day, filled with grace, laughter and love. Be kind to one another. Days are not easy for so many. Do what you can to make a difference… 💚
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Musing and Rambling
Sometimes I muse and I ramble because I can... I muse about life and things that matter to me...
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