Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Poetry

Be Just Woman

Decades ago when I started my personal foray into women’s studies, the field was still quite new. A feminist at heart, I was raised by a mother who also felt the tug of women’s rights strongly, as she came of age in the time of the early women’s rights movement in America. It is fear that causes men to still thwart women’s rights. It is fear that keeps some women from speaking up and claiming their own. Yet, we women are strong, powerful, “brilliant beings,” and many still long for the rights of simply be themselves.

The Temple of Five by Lisa Marquis BradburyBe Just Woman

In the brilliance
Of my madness,
Only then can I see
The sadness,
That walks,
And talks
In a million
Brilliant beings.
I see it on the corner,
In every face
Of every woman,
In the shops,
On the bus,
Every one,
They are all us.
We have long to speak
Our voice,
To tell our feelings,
Be just women.
We have long to walk
Our walk,
To talk
Our talk,
Be just women.
We are mothers
To our children,
Fierce and docile
Both by nature.
We are friends
To our sisters,
And lovers,
To our men.
We are feminists,
Who want to be
Honored and revered,
But instead
In our passing,
We are often not loved,
Only feared.
© Pamela Leavey
Temple of the Five by Lisa Marquis Bradbury ©

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Like A Piece Of Discarded Trash

When our hearts have been broken, we feel so alone, like the solitary swan pictured below, or worse, like a piece of discarded trash, left by the wayside. It takes time for a broken heart to heal and we each find our through the pain in our own time and space. Grief is a powerful emotion and lost love is a grievous affair.

Like A Piece Of Discarded Trashsoloswan

When does a heart cease
To be broken,
When does a vow cease
To be significant.
When can you walk away
And, leave the pain behind
Like a piece of discarded trash.
There comes a point,
When enough
Is enough.
It’s time to move on;
But, you feel
You are cheated,
Of the love
You thought that was shared.
And, the emptiness hangs on,
Like a piece of gum,
Stuck upon the bottom of your shoe.
Time often becomes,
And, you wish that
It would refrain.
And, so you cling
To what was once
When does a heart cease
To be broken,
When does a vow cease
To be significant.
When can you walk away,
And, leave the pain behind,
Like a piece,
Of discarded trash.

© Pamela Leavey

If your heart is broken, have faith… In time you will find the strength to love again.

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I Will Not Sell My Soul

My journey on the path of feminism, the goddess and women studies started decades ago. Poetry has often been an outlet of expression for me, since I was a child. The following is a piece from my journals expressing my thoughts on the divine feminine and my rights as a woman to be free

DivinefeminineLMBI will not sell my soul
To the Devil
As a woman
I am not free
To be me;
I will fight for my honor,
The freedom
To be me.
I will not hide who I am,
Change my dress,
Or my ways;
I am woman,
I was born free,
To be me.
I will not watch what I say,
How I speak,
Or to whom;
I will fight for my honor,
The freedom
To be me.
I will not inhibit my sensual self,
Squelch my desires,
Deny my lusts;
I am woman,
I was born free,
To be me.
Hear me now
You who be that devil,
Who wants to take
Hold of me;
I am woman,
I was born free,
To be me.

Poetry: I Will Not Sell My Soul ~ © Pamela Leavey

Art: Divine Feminine by Lisa Marquis-Bradbury ©

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Ode to the Whip-poor-will: When Darkness Falls

As a small child living in rural Massachusetts on summer nights, I would fall asleep to the call of the Eastern Whip-poor-will. When Darkness Falls is my ode to the climate change endangered Whip-poor-will…

Whip-poor-will_flying_AudubonWhen darkness falls
And the night is still,
I think of the lonely Whip-poor-will
Who calls his name out
To the night
Like longing plea to end his plight.
Yet who’s to say his cry be right
For he alone does know his cry
What voice he speak
I only can try
To listen deeply in the still
To know what be the Mighty will
And yet I long to hear
His mournful plea
To answer yet the plea
Of mine own heart
When darkness falls
And the night is still
I think of the lonely Whip-poor-will.
~ © Pamela Leavey

From Audubon on the Eastern Whip-poor-will:

The Eastern Whip-poor-will is strictly nocturnal and stays hidden for the most of the day, only coming out in the evening to forage for insects. It’s most active in the dim light of dawn and dusk, but may continue foraging all night if the moon is bright enough. During the breeding season, it lays its eggs directly on the forest floor, where the parents take turns incubating them. Mostly a solitary creature, the bird spends most of its resting time perched motionless and alone in low-hanging branches.

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Quote of the Day: The Power To Love


My heart is like
An endless sea,
For as many times as
It has been broken,
The power to love,
Comes back to me.
~ Pamela Leavey

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I Will Not Die, Nor Wither On the Vine

I will not diepinkroses
Nor wither on the vine,
With out you
In my life;
For I am like a rose
That shall bloom
Forever in the light.
I will not mourn
Forever the passing,
Of your touch
Upon my soul;
For I am like a star
That shall shine
Forever in the night.
I will not wake at
At daybreak,
And wish to hear
Your gentle voice;
For I am like the sun
That shall glow
Forever with all my might.

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