July 27, 2015
“Know the difference between ego and spirit. Ego is needy, but spirit is not.” – Deepak Chopra: The Path To Love
words and pictures....
July 27, 2015
“Know the difference between ego and spirit. Ego is needy, but spirit is not.” – Deepak Chopra: The Path To Love
July 22, 2015
The path to happiness is not always lined with flowers. The simple truth is that although happiness is a choice we can make, we must also work at happiness each day. I re-mind myself today and every day: I choose to be happy. I make happy happen. I see the path to happiness require my attention. I do the work to make certain that happiness flourishes in my heart and mind. I release striving, holding on and I practice forgiveness. I live a loving life. And so it is. ~ Namaste… Pamela
July 21, 2015
Yesterday, I was faced with comments about my life from someone that I found terribly difficult to ignore. The comments were rude and hurtful and I was vulnerable and open to taking it personally.
As the day wore on, I was reminded by a dear friend to heed Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements. In that, the episode was a lesson in remembering the 2nd agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally:
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be victim of needless suffering.
While I try to live by The Four Agreements daily, some days I must say, are simply easier than others. (more…)
July 20, 2015
The Universe is always offering up opportunities, challenges and tests. How we meet those opportunities, challenges and tests determines our next steps on our life path. Today, I re-mind myself that everything in life happens for a reason. We can learn and grow from our experiences or we can stay stuck in the rut in the road wondering why life is passing us by. I choose this day and every day to continue moving forward regardless of the challenges that cross my path. ~ Namaste… Pamela
July 16, 2015
“Today, I re-mind myself that it is ever important to be honest with myself and others. I acknowledge that when I deceive others, I am deceiving myself, so in that, I strive daily to be true to myself and others. For I know that when I am true to myself, I create the space and energy to be true to others. Today, I strive to be a gentle voice of truth and reason in all circumstances and relationships. Truth subjective as it may be at times, is the cornerstone of a wise intellect and a good heart. Truth fosters compassion and acceptance, and brings about change.” – Pamela J. Leavey
July 15, 2015
The creative soul creates from the heart. Always… The greatest gift for the creative soul is the presence of a muse… That which inspires is love.
“I recognize that art begins in the heart. I love my creative nature and I love expressing it. I create as an act of love and connection. I allow the Universe to dream through me, to create through me.” – Julia Cameron – Heart Steps: Prayers and Declarations for a Creative Life
I remind myself this day and every day… I am abundant, I have love.
Namaste… Pamela