Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Reflections

Food For Thought: Communication

I feel as though people do not always take the time to fully communicate with each other. Is it because we are afraid to hear what someone else has to say? Is it because we are afraid to expose our vulnerable places and spaces to others? When we communicate with loved ones, we find communion…

“Communion is the root word in communication, reminding us that to communicate with another  person isn’t to pass on information.” ~ Deepak Chopra: The Path to Love

Red Tail Hawk on Pink House Chimney  ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
Plum Island Pink House ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

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Reflections: In The Now

Being in the now is a daily task. One can not simply decide to be in the now and then think that they will be in that space without working at it. It is a practice and like all practices, it takes commitment and work. Nature is always a grounding space for me to take myself out of my self and find the quiet within that is necessary to stay grounded and focused on the now.

Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2013
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2013

At times when I can’t get outside and spend time in the vast expanse of my favorite grounding place, the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, I find a favorite photo of my church, as I call the Refuge, and I open my heart space meditating on the photo.

I remind myself daily that happiness is a choice. Some days are easier than other days, on the path to being the now and that is okay. With daily practice, I have found great comfort in the knowledge that I am responsible for my feelings and actions. Practice makes perfect… While I am no enlightened master, I do know I grateful for the enlightenment I receive in the now.

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Reflections: Let Go With the Setting Sun

As the sun sets on the horizon it is always a good time to contemplate the day and affirm the good with gratitude and release the bad with the setting sun. Each day we go through situations that are good, bad or indifferent. Releasing the negative with setting sun, sets up the next day to start with a clean slate.

Salt Pannes Sunset ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2013
Salt Pannes Sunset ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2013

Releasing the negative with the setting sun also clears the evening of negative thoughts and energy and enables the spirit to relax and renew for the following day. I prefer to release the negative with setting sun, so that I have clear mind and heart for a time before bed.

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Food For Thought: Blending In

Birds have the most remarkable way of blending in to their surroundings and camouflaging themselves. We humans work hard to do the same thing… Blend in.

Snowy Owl on the Pink House ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2013
Snowy Owl on the Pink House ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2013

It’s normal that people want to blend in, but they should never sacrifice who they are to fit in. It is okay to blend in a little, as the Snowy Owl in the photo does, but it is also okay to be on the edge of blending in, as we see with the Snowy Owl.

Who we are in the world is perfect. Stand up, be yourself and stand out — even if you are on the edge. It is good to be unique. It is okay to be eccentric.

I have lived a rich life not blending in…

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Life Is A Journey

Life is a journey. We never know where it will lead us, the destination is always unknown.

We can choose to see this journey as an adventure and rise and flow with the good and the bad, or we can stay stuck driving around the roundabout, spinning our wheels in instead of going with the flow of the journey.

When we grasp the life is an adventure mindset, we open our wings and begin to fly. It is in fact in this mindset that we soar to our greatest possibilities in life.

c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012


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Another Year In This Life

northpool overlookHere I sit, the day after my 57th birthday reflecting on my chosen path at this time in my life. The past year has been an interesting journey, from the marriage of my only child in late December last year, to my enrolling in classes at UMass Lowell in January. I am in my 3rd semester now, having a completed a certificate program in Contemporary Communications and now I am forging on to my B.A.

Although I had enrolled in UMass Lowell’s English B.A. program, I am transferring in the spring to UMass Amherst’s University Without Walls program. At UMass Amherst’s UWW, I will be able to take my life experience and write a portfolio of my experience that will be evaluated for credits. My life experience is vast with years spent as an entrepreneur and a political blogger. (more…)

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