Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Reflections

Daily Affirmations: Job Well Done

garden on main A few days ago I posted about the issues faced for a writer or in fact any creative person who is self-employed. We are our own worst critics and often when we complete a job or a project we fail to give our self recognition and reward for a job well done, as Julia Cameron notes below in her lovely affirmation from her book Transitions: Prayers and Declarations for a Changing Life.

Last night I completed a draft of the first of three essays for my Prior Learning Portfolio at UMass Amherst’s UWW. When complete, I hope to garner 24 credits for my prior experience which includes two small businesses, creative writing, political and news blogging and contemporary communications.

This morning, I re-mind myself… (more…)

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Daily Affirmations: To Manifest My Goals

Sometimes we get off track from our goals, in these times I re-mind myself:

To manifest my goals, I must focus clearly on my intent and my desires so that I remain on my path. I recognize and acknowledge that a clear heart is my most powerful ally. In that, I strive today and every day, to release all fears and anxieties holding me back from manifesting my goals.

Namaste… Pamela

hiking hellcat (Photo: Hellcat Swamp Marsh Trail at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2012)

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Daily Affirmations: My Sense of History

North Pool Overlook at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
North Pool Overlook at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Sometimes we overlook the things we have done in our lives as we wish we could do more things, or go somewhere we like to travel to, or have opportunities others have. In these moments we can re-mind ourselves of this:

“I value my sense of history. I am alert to the many colorful and enjoyable episodes in my own life’s unfolding. Rather than bemoan a lack of color or adventure in my life, I consciously choose to notice and appreciate the many small adventures and victories which each of my days entertains. I focus on the precise and measurable evidence of the good that comes to me as I am alert to life’s many blessings. I notice, remark, and remember the kind word, the well-told joke, the flashing beauty of a small finch lighting on a roadside shrub. Alert to the beauty and detail around me, I revel ever more fully in the many graces life has to offer me.” – Julia Cameron: Blessings: Prayers and Declarations for a Heartful Life

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: My Life Is Rich

Dories at Lowell's Boat Shop
Dories at Lowell’s Boat Shop

In the golden reflection of the sun, we are infused with the light of love and abundance. Today, I re-mind myself that my life is rich and filled with so many blessings. I thank the Universe for those blessings. I give space to gratitude and light in my life.

Namaste… Pamela

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Reflections: On Being an Empath

The highly empathic person feels deeply connected to loved ones emotional and physical pain, sometimes feeling their symptoms of illness or experiencing their sadness and joy on a deeper level than the average person who is empathetic of another persons situations. Empaths tend to be deeply sensitive to others beyond their loved ones and inner circle of friends, and they often can pick up some disconcerting feelings both physical and emotional, if gifted with what is known as psychic empathy.

At Sandy Point ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey
At Sandy Point ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey

Dr. Judith Orloff has written on the topic in-depth in a few of her books. Those that I have read including Second Sight and Positive Energy have given me great insight into understanding the complex and sometimes disconcerting feelings that arise for myself and others with empathic abilities.

Sometimes as an empath, I find myself unable to block these feelings that arise and I have learned to ride them out like a storm honoring the dark nights of the soul that might arise. One must honor the feelings that the empathic trait brings, and learn to deal with the well-spring of emotions that range from happiness to grief and beyond.

I’ve just emerged from one such period where a wealth of empathic emotions propelled me into deep contemplation and triggered the all to prevalent writer’s block. The storm has passed… I emerge like a butterfly with new and strong wings, inspired to fly free filled with joy.

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Reflections: Vulnerable

There is an absolute in nature that parallels our lives. We see the cycle of life played out vividly on the landscape as it changes with seasons and weather. It is vulnerable and so are we…

Salt Pannes at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
Salt Pannes at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014

It is colorful and so are we. It is with great reverence that I greet the sacred places of nature, for I know they hold the key to the answers that I seek.

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