Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Reflections

Reflections on Happiness


I am studying Existential Philosophy during Summer semester at UMass Amherst’s UWW. Suffice to say that studying existential philosophy can cause the self to reflect on the themes of the study in a very personal way.

I have struggled throughout my life, yet I still try always to maintain a sense of happiness regardless of my struggles because the very weight of one’s struggling can pull you down into darkness and depression. It is not always easy to maintain a sense of happiness because that weight can be so oppressive that sometimes it takes great deal of strength to throw it off and live life authentically with joy.

J. Krishnamurti says in The Book of Life, “To find the true meaning of happiness, we must explore the river of self-knowledge,” yet he continues, “Self-knowledge is not an end in itself.” There is more than that needed to find true happiness, Krishnamurti contends,  happiness is found where you are now, in this moment of time he explains: (more…)

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Food For Thought: I Am Abundant

Sometimes it feels as though there is never enough money to get by on. That is a common concern for so many in the past 5-6 years (or more), myself included. Living within the means of the austerity plan can be quite tricky and downright depressing if you let it get to you and find yourself wallowing in worry and self-pity. When I find myself dipping into the well of worry over money, I know that I must re-mind myself that “I am abundant.”

Years ago I learned a simple mantra that has proven itself to be invaluable in the past couple of decades as I have struggled with entrepreneurship and single parenting. Everyone can use some re-minding from time to time. Affirmations work to re-mind us when we repeat them to ourselves over and over again. If you’re worried about financial concerns (or love), try this affirmation for a few days and see if things shift for you:

I am abundant ~ I have love…

I am abundant ~ I have money…


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Food For Thought: Like A Flower

White Peony ~ Pamela J. Leavey
White Peony ~ Pamela J. Leavey

“Like a flower, our lives unfold, petal by petal. There is no perfect flower, each is assymetrical by design, as we are. Every petal is a layer of our heart and mind, unraveling our own unique character. We bud, we blossom, we enthrall and enrapture, we endure until we age and fade away. We are an intricate fragment of the whole, the universe. We come from the Mother Earth, as the flower does, and therein we return. We are here to blossom fully and revel in the sun. Like a flower.”

~ Pamela Leavey

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Food For Thought: Lessons Learned

It is ever so important to re-mind ourselves of lessons learned in the past. With conditioning, over time, we may tend to fall into a pattern in our lives that creates the need to re-focus our attention on simple but powerful lessons that keep us in the now. Our intent plays a big part in everything we do and everything we create…

Staying positive is tantamount to success. When I find myself slipping out of the positive, I stop, breathe, realign my thinking and re-mind myself to re-focus my energy on the higher good.

Reflection ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014
Reflection ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey 2014

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Food For Thought: Opportunites

Blue Heron in the Salt Marsh
Blue Heron in the Salt Marsh

Everyday brings new opportunities that are filled with promise. Stay open, aware and attuned to the messages around you. An open heart and an open mind are the greatest guides on your path. Follow their lead…

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Food For Thought: Reflection


Look deeply into your reflection to see the depths of your heart and soul. The answers are there in the reflection. Be still like the reflective surface and see your truths.

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