Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Social Media Marketing

Gratitude Matters: 10 Awesome Gratitude Quotes

grapevineatmaudslayGratitude matters in every aspect of life, from your personal life to your work or business life. In fact, expressing gratitude helps us to remember that what we have plenty in our lives to be grateful for. It also helps us to remind the people in our lives that we are grateful for them as well.

Sharing our gratitude, expressing how grateful we are, is in fact a very motivational and inspirational form of communication.

Here’s proof that the inspirational expression of gratitude is an awesome from of communication using the written (or spoken) word: (more…)

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Food For Thought: Online or Offline

I’m in the midst of a Reflections on Technology class at UMass Amherst, University Without Walls. One of the objects of the class is to reflect on our relationship with technology. This week’s lesson is specifically about fasting from technology and the implications of that fast. Deeper posed questions brought up in our class reading included a couple of articles on the meanings of being online and offline. Nathan Jurgenson’s, The IRL Fetish, is a great read on the debate over what it means to be online and subsequently offline.

A lot can be said about the benefits of going offline for a time, and Jurgenson points out that more and more people participate in spending time offline. In reality, there is no separation between being online or offline, it is contextual, among other things. (more…)

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Creating A Business Website on Word Press, Part 1

I’ve been working with the Word Press platform for just about 9 years now. What started as utilizing the platform to build my first blog, slowly grew into a passion for the platform itself and it’s functionality. Over the years, I’ve learned the fine art of developing a Word Press blog and/or website. I want to share some tips with readers in a new series here.

First, let’s start with some basics. (more…)

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