Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Spiritual

Daily Affirmations: The Power of Positivity

Today, I re-mind myself that I hold within myself the power of positivity. I am fully capable of making the choice to lead a positive thinking, happiness choosing, totally awesome life, in which I am gifted daily with blessings, great and small. I know that my happiness is my choice. I know that the power of intent sets my course. I choose to believe that my life is awesome. And so it is…. Intent makes manifest.

Mouth of the Parker River

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Walking the Path of Least Resistance

The day breaks and I rise with the sun, and a reminder that this day will be what I make of it. Barring unforeseen circumstances, each day I have a choice to be happy and embrace the day, or to wallow in whatever stress and complications exist in my life. I choose to be happy, because to me, choosing to be happy is walking the path of least resistance. Life throws difficult circumstances in our way. It takes loved ones from us. We lose our jobs, we struggle financially, but all of those circumstances are just that, circumstances. Through all circumstances that life sends my way, I know that I can still be, as William Ernest Henley said in his poem Invictus, “the master of my fate… the captain of my soul.” And so it is… Intention makes manifest…

maudslay trail Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Limitless Opportunities In My Life

Today, I re-mind myself of the limitless opportunities in my life. Indeed, my life is rich. I acknowledge that I have boundless love and light all around me, and I am filled up to the brim and beyond, with joy and happiness. My choice is to make this day a day filled with love and happiness. My choice is see the abundance all around me and focus on the positive aspects of my life which are all worthy of gratitude. And so it is… Intent makes manifest. Gratitude matters.


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Practicing Humility

In the day to day interactions we have with other people, it is so important to remain humble. Today, I remind myself that humility does not mean I think of myself as a lesser person, it means I think I am no better than anyone else. In practicing humility, I find myself open to a greater capacity for acceptance and compassion for others. This in turn opens my heart and mind to a more loving state in which I am better able to understands the needs of my loved ones. And so it is that today I remind myself that to go forth with a humble frame of mind is to be open to see others as equal. Intent makes manifest.


Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Life’s Path is Always Changing

Today, I re-mind myself that life’s path is always changing and new opportunities constantly appear on the horizon. hellcat swamp trail
While choosing the path of least resistance might seem to be the best way to go, it certainly does not bring challenges with it, in most cases, and so there is less opportunity to learn and grow. One of the greatest aspects of life is the constant opportunities that come our way teaching us to see things in a new light and appreciate things from a different perspective. I am grateful for the new paths that appear on my life’s journey. I welcome the opportunity to learn, today and everyday. I start this day with gratitude for all there is and set my intent on embracing change. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: All Is As It Should Be

Today, I re-mind myself that all is as it should be. That is not to say that change may be necessary in my life, or that there is no room for improvement in certain areas or aspects of life, that is simply to say, in this moment, all is as it should be. Life is fluid, always changing like the water that flows in a river or stream, it constantly in motion, even when we are at rest. And, as I am the star of my own life, I am confident that the forces of the Universe are working constantly on my behalf to direct my path in life, as I endeavor to accept that all is as it should be and go with the flow. And so it is… Intent makes manifest.


Namaste… Pamela

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