Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Spiritual

Daily Affirmations: All That Glitters

coppery dories

Today, I re-mind myself of the old saying “all that glitters is not gold.” Those glittery, shiny objects that people offer often come with strings attached and I must remember that certain people will always attach strings to their offerings because they know not how to relate to others without the offer of money or glittery gifts in the place of real love. I will not be tempted by the bartering of things to replace love and I will step back from the would-be giver and walk away, wishing the giver peace in their heart and love and compassion to replace their fear. ~ Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: To Be Empowered

on the merrimack river

“To Be Empowered… I accept my responsibility in all situations that arise in my life, good or bad. I am honest and open, and I am not afraid to be so. I make the best I can of all situations, even the difficult. I change what I can change, when and however I can. I accept what I can not change and I accept that it is what it is. To Be Empowered… I look to see things a clearer light, and I seek to understand the how’s and why’s of painful circumstances.” ~ Namaste… Pamela

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Quote Of The Day: Deepak Chopra

“When we say that ecstasy is like the drop melting back into the ocean, it must be made clear that we are the drop and the ocean at the same time, just on different levels.” – Deepak Chopra: Path to Love

at sandy point

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Daily Affirmation: My Life Is Rich

sandy point facing south

Today I re-mind myself that nothing and no one can shake my resolve as I move forward in my life, continuing my quest to do good works and help others in what ever way I can. My life is rich and I am abundant in ways that cannot be measured monetarily. ~ Namaste… Pamela

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Quote Of The Day: Deepak Chopra

Today’s Quote of the Day is from Deepak Chopra’s Creating Affluence: The A to Z Steps to a Richer Life:

Q is to question: to question dogma, question ideology, question outside authority. It is only by questioning what people take for granted, what people hold to be true, that we can break through the hypnosis of social conditioning.

egret head

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Daily Affirmations: Universal Experience

“I draw from the well of universal experience and consciousness. I replenish that well by putting attentive love and kindness into the world. I respect the unity and connection of all things to one another. I live consciously and creatively as part of a sacred unity.” – Julia Cameron: Heart Steps – Prayers and Declarations for a Creative Life

great white egret reflection

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