Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Spiritual

Quote of the Day: Louise Hay

“The heat of summer brings a renewal 
of strength. I use this time to stop and 
enjoy that which life has put before me.” 

– Louise L. Hay

snowy egret


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Daily Affirmations: I Am Abundant

The struggle to stay afloat financially has been a constant many times during my life. I re-mind myself when financial worry prevails, that the riches of the soul far out weigh the riches of the pocket. Like so many things in life, positive thinking and intent bring forth what we need. I re-mind myself daily, I am abundant, I have money. I am abundant, I have love. And so it is… Namaste ~ Pamela

snowy egret with fish

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Food For Thought: Fear is a Cry for Love

Today, I say a silent prayer for those who are compelled by fear. I recognize that fear is a cry for love. I understand that an emotional or physical attack is a cry for love. I open my arms and heart to those who are afraid to love. I practice compassion, acceptance and understanding and pray that all fear will one day be replaced with love in the hearts and minds of all sentient beings. ~ Namaste… Pamela

cedar waxwings

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Daily Affirmations: To Be Empowered

To Be Empowered, I work to make these statements a part of my daily practice: I find the strength and courage to speak up for myself. I am determined to remain strong and confident in the face of adversity. I endeavor to not let others deter my path. I acknowledge that my life is on the path that I choose, and that path is the right path for me. ~ Namaste… Pamela


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Daily Affirmations: I Choose To Be Happy, I Make Happy Happen


The path to happiness is not always lined with flowers. The simple truth is that although happiness is a choice we can make, we must also work at happiness each day. I re-mind myself today and every day: I choose to be happy. I make happy happen. I see the path to happiness require my attention. I do the work to make certain that happiness flourishes in my heart and mind. I release striving, holding on and I practice forgiveness. I live a loving life. And so it is. ~ Namaste… Pamela

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Food For Thought: The Four Agreements

Yesterday, I was faced with comments about my life from someone that I found terribly difficult to ignore. The comments were rude and hurtful and I was vulnerable and open to taking it personally.

double orange lilies

As the day wore on, I was reminded by a dear friend to heed Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements. In that, the episode was a lesson in remembering the 2nd agreement: Don’t Take Anything Personally:

Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be victim of needless suffering.

While I try to live by The Four Agreements daily, some days I must say, are simply easier than others.  (more…)

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