Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Spiritual

Daily Affirmations: In The Still

winter on the merrimack riverIn the still, we find answers to our deepest questions. Meditation is not something that comes easy for many people, but I have found that nature helps me find that place where the still exists. As I let myself go and become one with nature, it is in that moment that answers and inspiration arise.

Today, I re-mind myself to take even just a few moments for myself and sit quietly in the still. No music, no TV, indoors or outdoors. No focus, just being in the still. In this I know, this is the deepest communication I can have with my heart space.

Namaste… Pamela

(Photo: Winter on the Merrimack River ~ c. Pamela J. Leavey)

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Daily Affirmations: When the Time is Right

egretinreedsSometimes the things we are looking for remain hidden to our view. You can not force the search, unless that what you are seeking is vital in the moment. You must wait out the search and know that all things come in time. Today, I re-mind myself that when the time is right, that which I am seeking will appear.

Namaste… Pamela

*Photo: Egret in the reeds at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge.

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Daily Affirmations: Means to An End

Money, abundance, prosperity come to each of us in different forms. Key to receiving is to remember the gratitude quotient as well as acceptance that we have all we need. The affirmation below from Julia Cameron is a favorite…

Bee in the Goldenrod
Bee in the Goldenrod

“Money is a means to an end. It is a servant and not a master. When I ask for money, I am asking for supply. It may come to me as money, but it also may come to me in other forms. I am alert to the many forms my supply may take. While I welcome and receive money as one form, I also welcome and receive supply in all forms it appears.” – Julia Cameron: Heart Steps

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Well Being

On those days when I feel a little under the weather, I re-mind myself: I am healthy, strong and vibrant; I am filled with the energy of well being. In that positive space, I find healing vibrations.

rhodendendrons maudslayNamaste… Pamela


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Daily Affirmations: Fostering Change


Today, I re-mind myself that everyday is an opportunity to be the best person I can in all of my interactions with others. It is that simple… I affirm to myself that in practicing communication and compassion, I am fostering change.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Beacon of Light

flood with light

Today I affirm to myself that I am a beacon of light that shines through the darkness. I seek to make a positive difference in the world, and I know that if my light and love, makes the world a better place for just one person each day, I am facilitating positive change.

Namaste… Pamela

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