Pamela Leavey

words and pictures....


Category: Spiritual

Daily Affirmations: Open Heart and Mind


We are all flowers blossoming in our own unique ways and we make choices each day about how we show up to those around us and the world. Today, I choose to show up as a radiant flower, in full blossom, with an open heart and an open mind, expressing compassion and acceptance towards each person whom I meet. I recognize that the petals of a flower are symbolic of the open heart and mind which I possess and cultivate each day as one cultivates a garden of flowers.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: All That I Am


Today, I re-mind myself: I am all that I am and perfect in that. I am tenancious and steadfast, vibrant and vivacious, and filled with joy and gratitude for all the blessings in my life.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: We Are All Connected


Today, I am re-minded that my well-being is connected to the well-being of others. In that, we are all connected, like three dories tied together on one river mooring, we are all dependent upon one another. I seek this day and everyday, to connect with each person I meet with a heart full of compassion and a mind full of empathy.

Namaste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: Nature Holds So Many Blessings

Eastern Kingbird

Nature holds so many blessings. I re-mind myself this day, that the bird I glanced at sitting in the grasses is a gift that puts me in the moment, interrupting my monkey mind just long enough for an “ah” moment. Moments like these still the mind and make me pause, bringing about contentment and happiness. I vow today and everyday, to take one extra moment when I am graced with such a chanced event, and voice my gratitude.

Nameste… Pamela

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Daily Affirmations: My Sense of History

North Pool Overlook at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge
North Pool Overlook at the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge

Sometimes we overlook the things we have done in our lives as we wish we could do more things, or go somewhere we like to travel to, or have opportunities others have. In these moments we can re-mind ourselves of this:

“I value my sense of history. I am alert to the many colorful and enjoyable episodes in my own life’s unfolding. Rather than bemoan a lack of color or adventure in my life, I consciously choose to notice and appreciate the many small adventures and victories which each of my days entertains. I focus on the precise and measurable evidence of the good that comes to me as I am alert to life’s many blessings. I notice, remark, and remember the kind word, the well-told joke, the flashing beauty of a small finch lighting on a roadside shrub. Alert to the beauty and detail around me, I revel ever more fully in the many graces life has to offer me.” – Julia Cameron: Blessings: Prayers and Declarations for a Heartful Life

Namaste… Pamela

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Be In The Moment

This quote from Pema Chodron is the perfect reminder of the importance of being in the moment…


To be in the moment takes practice and it involves freeing the mind from concerns and worries that bog us down and prevent us from fully appreciating the moment we are in.

When we are in the moment, we can learn many great lessons as Pema Chodron alludes.

Namaste… Pamela

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